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The director Ernst Lubitsh and Fritz Lang

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The director Ernst Lubitsh and Fritz Lang


 Main presentation script
Ernst Lubitsh
Fritz Lang


 Subject; The director Ernst Lubitsh and Fritz Lang
 Topic area; Despite their similarly high standing during the 1910s and 20s up to 30s, both directors have come to occupy very different places in national film histories. How and which of both directors’ films convey the ‘Germanness’ in the Weimar years? How did they deal with transatlantic careers between Germany and America? What role did they play as transatlantic film directors?

 Catalogue

1. Joel Finler, THE HOLLYWOOD STORY (LONDON;OCTOPUS,1988), This list is ‘delivered from the MOTION PICTURE ALMANAC and information provided by the individual companies’. Ibid., p276~278

2. Joel Finler, THE HOLLYWOOD STORY (LONDON;OCTOPUS,1988), This list is ‘delivered from the MOTION PICTURE ALMANAC and information provided by the individual companies’. Ibid., p280

3. Book

참고 자료

1. Joel Finler, THE HOLLYWOOD STORY (LONDON;OCTOPUS,1988), This list is ‘delivered from the MOTION PICTURE ALMANAC and information provided by the individual companies’. Ibid., p276~278

2. Joel Finler, THE HOLLYWOOD STORY (LONDON;OCTOPUS,1988), This list is ‘delivered from the MOTION PICTURE ALMANAC and information provided by the individual companies’. Ibid., p280

3. Book
Richard Koszarski, AN EVEING’S ENTERTAINMENT; THE AGE OF THE SILENT FEATURE PICTURE, 1915-1928(NEW YORK; SCRIBNER’S, 1990), P33. This list was compiled by James Mark Purcell who aimed to adjust figures for box-office rentals to varying tickets prices and combine them ‘with such other data as exhibitors’ reports appearing in the individual companies’.

Scott Eyman, Ernst Lubitsh; Laughter in Paradise (Baltimore, MD; Johns Hopkins University Press, 2000)

5. Book
Patrick McGilligan, Fritz Lang; The nature of the beast; a biography (New York; ST. Martin’s Press, 1997)

6. Book
Stephen Jenkins (ed), Fritz Lang; The image and the look (London; BFI, 1981);

7. Book
Thomas Elsaesser, Weimar cinema and after; Germany’s historical imaginary (London and New York; Routledge,2000), p 143- 222
8. Book
Sabin Hake, Passion and Deceptions; The early films of Ernst Lubitsch (Princeton,NJ, Princeton university press, 1992)

9. Internet resource
Biography of Ernst Lubitsch – http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0523932/

10. Internet resource
Biography of Fritz Lang – http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000485/

Peter W.Jansen and Wolfram Schutte,; Fritz Lang( Munich; Hanser,1976); Lotte Eisner, Fritz Lang, trans. Gertrud Mander(New York; Oxford University Press,1977); Frederick W.OTT, The films of Fritz Lang(Secaucus, NJ; citadel,1979) Rolf Aurich, Wolfgang Jacobsen and Cornelius Schnauber (eds.), Fritz Lang (Berlin; filmmuseum,2001)

12. Book
Tom Gunning, The films of Fritz Lang ; Modernity, Crime and desire (London BFI, 2000)

13. DVD - Die Austernprinzessin (The Oyster Princess, 1919)- library

14.DVD - Die Puppe( The Doll, 1919)- library

16.DVD- The Marrige Circle,(1924)- barrowed form friend

17.DVD - In Der mude Tod (Destiny) – library

18.DVD - Mertropolis(1927) – library

19. DVD -Frau im Mond ( Woman on the Moon 1929) – library
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The director Ernst Lubitsh and Fritz Lang
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