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same sex marriage

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동성간의 결혼에대한 에세이




Gay couples are not permitted to marry in many places around the world. The Netherlands became the first country to open civil marriage to same-sex couples, and Belgium became the second in 2003. Getting married with same sex is one of the most debatable topics in the United States of America. More consideration about getting same sex marriage will be better because we often see gay marriage on TV show, newspaper, and books in recent years. In current society the concept of gay marriage is changing in the world. People in modern society tend to be a stereotype. If people heard about marriage, they will image that it is going to be done by a man and a woman. People who are homosexuals have tried so hard to gain ground in the way of civil rights, and they strongly desire for equal rights. They have been doing many campaigns, and so far their ultimate goal is to be legalized by the act of marriage; therefore, getting marriage with same sex should be legal. “The debate over same-sex marriage moved closer to center stage last November, after the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court ruled that denying marriage rights to gay couples violated the state constitution (184)”.

참고 자료

1). Gilbert H. Muller “Many Americans” Houghton Miffin Company Boston New York. P170-188
2). Bourassa, Kevin and Varnell, Joe “Gay marriage alters course of Christianity” Equal Marriage for same-sex couples 22 March. 2007. Equal Marriage for same-sex couples. 05 June 2007 <http://www.samesexmarriage.ca/equality/kog220307.htm>
3). Axel-Lute, Paul. “Same-Sex Marriage: A Selective Bibliography of the Legal Literature.” Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey September. 2002. The State University of New Jersey.
4). Jost, Kenneth. “Gay Marriage” CQ Researcher 13.30 (2003): 721-748 CQ Researcher Online. CQ Press. Seattle Central Community College Library, Seattle,WA.05June2007.http://library.cqpress.com.ez.sccd.ctc.edu:2048/cqresearcher/document.php?id=cqresrre2003090500&type=hitlist&num=0&

5) . Michael, Nava & Robert, Dawidoff “Created Equal: Why Gay Rights Matter to America” St. Martin’s Griffin January 15, 1995. P. 167


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