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The US government should provide reparations to African-Americans for slavery

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미국 인종갈등에 관한 영문 리포트입니다.




미국역사와 미국인종갈등의 원인을 분석한 리포트

Abraham Lincoln, one of great presidents of the United States, led the North in the Civil War to the glorious victory. One of the big issues why the Civil War happened was the status of slaves in southern states. In the mean time, there was very strong stereotype in most of white Americans’ mind about African Americans. Saying that “most anti-slavery American whites believed, to one degree or another, that blacks were inferior.” Not to mention that all pro-slavery Americans denied Lincoln’s opinion. Therefore, even after slavery ended, African Americans have experienced “higher rates of poverty, lower incomes, more segregation in housing, higher rates of unemployment, less access to higher education, and shorter life times than all other groups of Americans.” As figures indicate, dominant groups still have most of the resources in the United States. The beginning of poverty could be started with segregation in housing. There are many African Americans lived in a part of big cities known as ghettos, so it would be very hard to access a good education system. Nobody wants to hire people who are not educated. Consequently, the rates of unemployment are getting higher and most of African Americans do not have many choices to get a job with higher incomes. Indeed,

참고 자료

American Jihad: Islam After Malcom X, Barboza Steven, DoubledayBooks(2005), 331Page.
Dred Scott Revisted, Harry V. Jaffa, Harvard Journal of Law & Public policy, 216Page
Who Lincoln was, Sean Wilentz, Unknown(2009), 33Page
American Ethnicity, Adalberto Aguirre, Jr. and Jonathan H. Turner, University of California ; Higher Education (2009), 140Page.
Ulysses S. Grant and Reconstruction, David L. Wilson, Organization of American Historians ( 2009), 48Page.
일본정치론, Contemporary Japan Society of Korea, 논형 (2009), 58Page

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The US government should provide reparations to African-Americans for slavery
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