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[영어에세이]영어사회문화배경 레포트: Different Degree of Strictness of Sexual Taboos in Different Cultures

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8페이지/ MS 워드
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Different Degree of Strictness of Sexual Taboos in Different Cultures
I. Introduction
Every society has something too sacred, or too unpleasant to talk about them directly. So they banned using some words and devised other roundabout ways to describe the subjects. This is how every society has developed its own linguistic taboo and euphemism. As Wardhaugh (2006) said throughout his book An Introduction to Sociolinguistics, these taboos function as social rules, so if one breaks these rules, the punishment can be severe.


I. Introduction
2. Background of study
3. Method
4. Results and Discussion
5. Conclusion and Implications


I. Introduction
Every society has something too sacred, or too unpleasant to talk about them directly. So they banned using some words and devised other roundabout ways to describe the subjects. This is how every society has developed its own linguistic taboo and euphemism. As Wardhaugh (2006) said throughout his book An Introduction to Sociolinguistics, these taboos function as social rules, so if one breaks these rules, the punishment can be severe.
Just like different societies have different laws, different societies have different taboo and euphemism. Some words are tabooed in certain societies and not in others. Even in the case of some words that are tabooed in every society, the degree of strictness can differ a lot. This means that depending on their social and cultural background, the things people consider to be sacred or unpleasant can be very different.
Then what happens a foreigner violate a society’s taboo, not knowing what one is doing? Can the members of the society apply the same kind of punishment to the foreign person who is a stranger to their culture? To avoid these kind of conflicts, I should be aware of the fact that different cultures have different taboos and moreover, what kind of subject are tabooed in other cultures. The importance of researching on different taboos of different cultures lies here.
This study will focus on the fact that different cultures have different taboo and euphemism. At the beginning part, some background information related to the topic will be given. Next, this study will provide the research result and analysis. Lastly, the conclusion and the implication of this study will be presented.

2. Background of study
“Taboo” is Polynesian word. According to Geert Hofstede, (Masculinity and Femininity, p.209), taboos are about ultimate values, values that are not open to argument. Religion and sexuality are the main areas in which societies maintain taboos. And also as Victoria Fromkin said, taboo refers to acts that are forbidden or to be avoided.

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[영어에세이]영어사회문화배경 레포트: Different Degree of Strictness of Sexual Taboos in Different Cultures
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