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organisational change

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organisational change


Brief History of WH Smith
General Causes for Changes in WH Smith
WHS International Travel Retail (USA, Europe and Asia)
Internet Trading
WH Smith News Distribution


Organisations are generally groups of individuals that created for a purpose and there will be relationships with clients, shareholders, other organisations, local communities and government. (Pettinger, 2000) So, organisations’ primary needs are to understand behaviour of individuals and then create objectives, structures, systems and processes to run themselves more efficiently and productively as well. However, there is increasing number of organisations that enters the same market or affects each other, from all over the world. Therefore, organisations are concerned on factors such as flexibility, dynamism and responsiveness; development in human resources for greater productivity; and seeking structures and cultures that are beneficial to them. These changes of factors for better outcome are important to win in a competition.
Generally, the meaning of organisational change is referred to small changes such as employing or reallocating a new person and modifying a new program or larger terms such as changing a goal, restructuring operations or structure,

참고 자료

BBC News, 2004, WH Smith plunges into the red, 14th October 2004,
[Online Resources][Last Accessed on 11th December 2008] Available at:

C Handy, Understanding Organizations, The Fourth Edition, p180-198

Figure 1. [Online Resources][Last Accessed on 11th December 2008] Available at:

G Johnson, K Scholes, (2002), Exploring Corporate Strategy, sixth edition, p534-553, p941-955

K Swann, (2008), Annual Report and Account 2008

L Baker, 2000, The Independent, WH Smith locked in talks with publishers to resolve row over distribution, 23rd December 2000

N Bennett, (2000), The Telegraph, Newsagents threatened by retail giants, 6th August 2000

N Cope, (2001), The Independent, Analysts downgrade WH Smith after release of disappointing profit figures, 13th April 2001. [Online Resources][Last Accessed on 09th December 2008] Available at:

R Pettinger, (2000), Mastering Organisational Behaviour, p7-23, p186-190, p227-239

R Pettinger, (2000), Contemporary Strategic Management, p239-262

WH Smith Annual Reports, [Online Resources][Last Accessed on 10th December 2008]
Available at: http://www.whsmithplc.co.uk/WHSPLC-IR-Reports.htm

WH Smith History, [Online Resources][Last Accessed on 11th December 2008] Available at:
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