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Contradictions Found in Jehovah’s Witnesses

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
7페이지/ MS 워드
가격 10,000원 할인쿠폰받기


an essay written on jehovah`s witnesses and contradictions found in their beliefs




When I was brain-storming about this paper, I planned to write about Buddhism, with which I had many chances to contact in Korean. However, when I looked-up characteristics of Christianity to find facts that I can compare with other religions, I saw many people asking about the differences between Christianity and Jehovah`s Witnesses and interesting debates regarding those two. In Korea, two years of military training is one of the required duties of males with Korean citizenship, but due to Jehovah`s Witnesses belief, they are taught to refuse such duties and would rather go to jail. Although Jehovah’s Witnesses pay their penalty by going to jail which technically excuses them from their duty, something did not feel right for me, and many others agreed by saying that they felt Jehovah’s Witnesses are making an excuse to get out of duty. I knew there were different branches of Christianity but I did not know the differences between Jehovah’s Witnesses and Christianity.

참고 자료

Barnes, Trevor. The Kingfisher Book of Religions. 1st ed. New York: Kingfisher
Publications, 1999.
Jehovah’s Witnesses: proclaimers of God’s Kingdom. Brooklyn, N.Y.: Watchtower
Bible and Tract Society of New York, 1993.
Jones, Lindsay, editor. Encyclopedia of Religion. 2nd ed. Detroit: Macmillan Reference
USA, 2005.
Matlins, Stuart M. and Magida, Arthur J. How to be a Perfect Stranger Vol. 1. 1st ed.
Kelowna, B.C.: Northstone Publishing, 1999.
Penton, M. James. Jehovah’s Witnesses and the Third Reich: sectarian politics under
persecution. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2004.
Reed, David A. Jehovah’s Witnesses: Answered Verse by Verse. Grand Rapids, Mich.:
Baker Book House, 1986.
The World Book Encyclopedia. Chicago: World Book, 2009.
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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