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중국의 경제성장이 한국에 미치는 효과

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
9페이지/ MS 워드
가격 2,500원 할인쿠폰받기


중국이 경제대국으로 성장해감에 따라 한국에 미칠 긍정적, 부정적 효과를 분석하였습니다. 단순히 경제적으로 바라보기 보다는, 중국의 패권이 성장하는 것을 정치적인 시각에서 보기도 하였습니다. A+ 받았습니다. 전부 영어로 쓰였습니다.


Economic collaboration with China
Economic Competition with China
Security Concerns by China’s economic growth


On April 15, 2010, the National Bureau of Statistics of China declared that the economy grew 11.9 percent during the first quarter of this year. VOA News (2010) reported that China recorded 10.7 percent of GDP growth during the fourth quarter of last year, so this official announcement means that China has been keeping its growth rate of economy in double-digits since 2009 despite the global financial crisis.
In South Korea, it is common to consider China’s economic growth as an opportunity for promoting economy of South Korea, a neighboring country. However I argue that this point of view is a mere short term view. In the long run, emergence of China as the world’s second-largest economy is a bad thing for South Korea because economy is a zero-sum game. Also, it could pose security risks to South Korea with China’s capabilities and desire for hegemony of East Asia.

참고 자료

Goldstein, Joshua S. and Jon C. Pevehouse. 2009. International Relations Brief. Pearson/Longman.

Journal Article
Sukhee Han. 2003. “Korea`s new perspectives on China`s economic rise [in Korean].” The Korean Political Science Association (Fall): 289-309
Denny Roy. 1994. “Hegemon on the horizon? China`s threat to East Asian security.” International Security (Summer): 149-68
Dohyung Ha. 2005. “Analysis of China’s 2004 White Paper on national defense [in Korean].” The Sejong Institute (Winter): 9-12
Christopher Layne. 1993. “The Unipolar Illusion: Why New Great Powers Will Rise.” International Security (Spring): 11.
The Korea International Trade Association. 2010. US Economy & Market Inside (Spring): 2
Statistics Korea. 2009. “Change in Trade volume and Market share of Korea with U.S. and China”

Weekly Magazine Article
Austin Ramzy. “Why Is China Slowing its Military Spending?” Time, 8 March 2010.

Newspaper Article
Jo, Sungdae and Jesung Hong, “The contents and the meaning of 2008 White Paper,” YonHap News, 1 January 2009.
James A. Lyons, “Don’t underestimate China’s military threat,” Washington Times, 12 March 2010.
Hyungkyu Choi, “China, “Stop researching new nuclear weapons temporarily [in Korean]”,” JoongAng Ilbo, 22 January 2009.

Web Sites
“US, India discuss China’s military power,” China military news, <http://www.china-defense-mashup.com/?tag=pla-strategies> April 20, 2010.
“China’s economic growth rate is 11.9 percent during the first quarter of this year,” VOA News, <http://www.voanews.com/korean/2010-04-15-voa9.cfm> April 21, 2010.

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