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[English111] Research Paper `Basic Investing`

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
19페이지/ MS 워드
가격 1,500원 할인쿠폰받기


미국 대학 기본 영어수업 마지막 과제, Research Paper
주제는 Basic Investing으로 스탁 관련 기본지식을 정리했습니다. A 받았구요.
내용상 한국에서 쓸 경우 미국 invest에 관련된부분은 수정/삭제 해야함.
아니면 차라리 주제를 미국의 Investing이라고 하면 수정할 필요는 없겠네요.


I. Introduction
II. Type of investments and what they are
1. Stocks
2. Funds
3. Bonds
4. Other investment options
III. Stocks
1. Why invest in stocks?
2. Importance of compound interest
3. How to evaluate stocks
IV. Funds
1. Why invest in funds?
2. Types of funds
3. Expenses
V. Bonds
1. Why invest in bonds?
2. Type of bonds
3. Historical returns of stocks versus bonds


Investing is a little understood subject. Most people have no interest, thinking that it is beyond their grasp to comprehend. A little understanding, however, could have an enormous effect on their future and standard of living.
With a basic understanding of the various types of investments, and the advantages and disadvantages of each, people could make more informed decisions about how to put their money to work. By comprehending the critical importance that time plays in compounding their returns, young working adults would be less likely to put off investing for retirement, incorrectly thinking that there is no hurry.
Lately the daily headlines drum into people’s minds the idea that the stock market is far too risky a place to put your money. What the headlines fail to remind people of is the risk of not investing ..................

참고 자료

Morningstar.com’s interactive classroom course 101.
Stock Market, The concise encyclopedia of economics, by Jeremy J.Seigel
From the website econlib.org/library


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