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article summary on D.E. Westney, “The Emulation of Western Organizations in Meiji Japan: The Case of the Paris Prefecture of Police and the Keishi-cho”




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Identification: D.E. Westney, "The Emulation of Western Organizations in Meiji Japan: The Case of the Paris Prefecture of Police and the Keishi-cho", Journal of Japanese Studies, Volume 8, Number 2, Summer 1982, 307-341.
Summary: Japan started to emulate Western institutional models in 1870s and 1880s. The fall of the Bakufu caused social disorders and a change in regime which triggered the adaption of policing system. Japan set British policing system in Yokohama where a substantial foreign community was. Then the Yokohama police model was set up in Tokyo in 1871 which is called the rasotsu system. However, this caused coordination and control force problem among samurai and domain troops. The Justice Ministry sent a group of Japanese, Keishi-cho, to Europe to study their policing system which caused Japan to rely mostly on the French system. As a result, Tokyo was more heavily policed which had 6.67 policemen per 1000 people whereas Paris had 3.04 per 1000. Western police systems can be divided into two main models: Continental and Anglo-Saxon model. Japan preferred the continental model which is highly involved in political surveillance and control and centralized with a low level of local influence whereas Anglo-Saxon model is decentralized and has limited functions in political involvement and surveillance. French model for army, school, and the courts and the legal system was already used in Japan which resulted build French organizational structures and open communication system with French institutions.

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