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policy-definitions and terms




1. Welfare: The efforts of a community to help its people achieve the state of physical health, emotional peace, and economic security (Robert L. Barker, 2003, p.462)

2. Social Welfare: The system of a country that provides programs, benefits and services that help people meet basic needs such as social, economic, educational and physical needs. (Robert L. Barker, 2003, p.408)

3. Public Policy: a policy that includes all the courses of action that impact on human relationships and the quality of life in a society. And it has broad range of goods and services supported by public funds.(Neil Gilbert and Harry Specht, 1974, pp.2-3)

4. Social Welfare Policy: a policy that aims to meet human needs in a society

5. TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families): New substitutive programs for Aid to Families of Dependent Children (AFDC) which were previously called Aid to Dependent Children (ADC) in which, unlike earlier programs, clients generally have a maximum of 60 months of benefits within one’s life time so that they are engaged in work activities.

6. Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC), ADX and AFDC-U -distinguish between each: AFDC (Aid to Families with Dependent Children) that was created under the name Aid to Dependent Children (ADC), resulting for both-one parent, is a former public assistance program that from 1935 to 1997. This program supported payment to needy children who were deprived of parent support. And it was also acted as AFDC-U (Aid to Families with Dependent Children- Unemployed father), resulting for two-parent, and the program was finally replaced in 1996 by temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF).

참고 자료

Robert L. Baker, (2003). THE SOCIAL WORK DICTIONARY, 5TH Edition. NASW PRESS.
Howard G. Rosenthal, (2003). Human Services Dictionary, Brunner-Routledge.
Ellwood, (1998). Poor support: Poverty in the American Family. Basic Books.
Karger & Stoesz, (2005). American Social welfare policy: A pluralist approach, 5th Edition. Allyn and Bacon.
Neil Gilbert and Harry Specht, (1974). DIMENSIONS OF SOCIAL WELFARE POLICY, Prentice-Hall.
Thomas R. Dye, (1972). Understanding Public Policy, Prentice-hall.
Michael Harrington, (1997). The Other America. Simon and Schuster.
Jill S. Quadagno, (1984). Welfare Capitalism and the Social Security Act of 1935. American Sociological Association.
John H. Ehrenreich, (1985). The Altruistic Imagination. Cornell University Press.
James A. Richardson, JR., and Jonathan K. London, (2007). Strategies and Lesson for Reducing Persistent Rural Poverty: A social-Justice Approach to Funding Rural Community Transformation. Community Development Society.
Lillian B. Rubin, (1969). The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science; Maximum Feasible Participation: The Origins, Implications, and Present Status. SAGE.
Robert A. Moffitt, (1999). The Effect of Pre-PRWORA Waivers on AFDC Caseloads and Female Earnings, Income, and Labor Force Behavior. Johns Hopkins University.
Paul M. Johnson. (2005). A Glossary of Political Economy Terms, Auburn University
Martha J. Zaslow, Kristin A. Moore, Donna Ruane Morrison, Mary Jo Coiro. (1995). The Family Support Act and Children: Potential Pathways of Influence. Child Trends, Inc.
Steve Hick. (1999). Social History. from http://www.socialpolicy.ca/cush/m3/m3-t7.stm
Social Security Act. (2008). Social Security Act. from http://www.socialsecurity.gov
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