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재료 인장시험

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재료의 인장시험에 따른 결과


인장시험을 통한 재료의 물성측정
Property Measurement of Materials by Tensile Test
1. Introduction
2. Experimental
3. Result
4. Conclusion


A tensile test, also known as tension test, is probably the most fundamental type of mechanical test which can be performed on material. By pulling on something, one can determine how the material will react to forces being applied in tension. In this experiment, there are three kinds of specimens for tensile test. The specimens of Al6061 are subjected to solid solution treatment consisting of heating at 773K for 2 hours and quenching and take aging treatment for 7hours and 18hours except for one specimen, standard. As aging time goes by strength of material is increased and elongation is decreased. Mechanical properties of polymer are susceptible to test conditions such as strain, temperature, chemical conditions, etc. In the case of polycarbonate(PC), it is the purpose to know property differences by applying different crosshead velocity and heat treatment. So, two specimens are subjected to heat treatment and one of these specimens compared with the specimen applying no heat treatment process, different crosshead velocity. As a result of this experiment, strength of material increases in increasing velocity and heat treatment makes material hard. In the experiments of Carbon steel, it is the purpose to understand property differences of Carbon steel by applying different heat treatments. The specimens are consist of ferrite, martensite, pearlite structure. The specimen with martensite is proved as the strongest material and pearlite is the softest material.

참고 자료

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[2] Harmer E. Davis, George Earl Troxell, Clement T. wiskocil, 1955, “The Testing and Inspection of Engineering Materials”, Second edition, pp.95~108
[3] James M. Gere, 2001, “Mechanical Materials”, Fifth edition, pp.1~49
[4] Georage E. Dieter, 1988, “Mechanical Metallurgy”, Si Metric edition, pp.275~324
[5] Robert E. Reed-hill, 1994, “Physical Metallurgy Principal”, Third edition, pp.589, 697
[6] John Brydson, 1999, “Plastics Materials”, Seventh edition, pp556~570
[7] Robert B. Ross, 1992, “Metallic Materials Specification Handbook”, fourth edition, pp300~301
[8] William F. Smith, 1981, “Structure and Properties Of Engineering Alloys”, Second Edition, pp.203~210
[9] William D. Callister, Jr, 2003, “Materials Science and Engineering and Introduction”, Sixth Edition, pp. 499~520
[10] H. Kawabe, Y. Natsume, Y. Higo, S. Nunomura, 1992, “Micromechanism of a deformation process before crazing in a polymer during tensile testing”, Journal of Materials Science, Vol. 27, No. 33, pp. 5547~5552
[11] http://www.matweb.com


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