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Comparative Analysis Of Consumption, Savings And Investments Dynamics In Italy(이탈리아의 소비와 저축, 투자에 대한 비교분석)

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
15페이지/ MS 워드
가격 4,000원 할인쿠폰받기



이탈리아의 경제상황을 바탕으로한 소비와 저축, 투자에 대한 비교분석을 완료한 레포트이다. 현실에 근거한 실질적인 예와 자료를 근거로서 정리,서술 하였다.


Introduction 3
1. Consumption 5
1.1. Oil and gas consumption in Italy 6
1.2. Alcohol consumption in Italy and wine production 6
1.3. Clothes consumption in Italy 7
1.4. Food and beverages consumption in Italy 7
2. Savings 8
2.1. Savings and Growth, 1862-1990 8
2.2. Households: propensity to save 9
2.3. Italy‘s saving rate in international perspective 10
3. Investment in Italy 11
Conclusions 14
References 15


Modern Italy is a democratic republic. It has been ranked the world`s eighteenth most-developed countryand its Quality-of-Life Index has been ranked in the top ten in the world. Italy enjoys a very high standard of living, and has a high nominal GDP per capita. It is a founding member of what is now the European Union and North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Italy is also a member of the G8 and G20. It has the world`s seventh-largest nominal GDP, tenth highest GDP (PPP) and the fifth highest government budget in the world. According to the World Bank, Italy has high levels of freedom for investments, business and trade. The country is also well-known for its influential and innovative business economic sector, an industrious and competitive agricultural sector,and for its creative and high-quality automobile, industrial, appliance and fashion design.
Despite this, the country`s economy suffers from many problems.

참고 자료

1) CIA Factbook : Italy
2) Encyclopaedia of Nations
3) Foreign investment : Italy vs France
4) International Living internet magazine
5) Life in Italy internet magazine
6) Maps of World internet magazine
7) Obelisk Investments « Property Investment in Italy »
8) Property Showrooms internet magazine
9) Wikipedia: Italy
판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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Comparative Analysis Of Consumption, Savings And Investments Dynamics In Italy(이탈리아의 소비와 저축, 투자에 대한 비교분석) 무료자료보기
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