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장애 아동에 대한 인식을 바꾸기 위한 통합교육의 필요성 -영어 작문

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4페이지/ MS 워드
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장애아동에대한 폭력 실태
통합교육이 나타난 배경

영어작문 입니다.
MLA스타일로 작성되었습니다.
참고문헌 두 개는 영어로된 논문이며, 한 개는 한글로된 논문입니다.




How Can We Abolish the Violence Toward Handicapped Children?
These days, we can frequently be informed of many cruel and inhuman events of ferocities on people with disabilities. That violence against handicapped people was occurred in their home, in public, in work places and so on. Above all, the rate of violence occurred in schools is the highest. Also, the people exposed to the various sorts of violence are students and adolescents. Paying attention to this situation, I wonder why especially the abnormal children were suffered from physical, sexual and emotional aggressions. Possibly, we can regard the reasons as quite easy ones. If we think more deeply about these problems, we can approach the real answers, though. Considering carefully, I want to identify about what the causes of the violence against the children with handicap are and how we can resolve these dilemmas. For achieving these goals, I am going to present some articles dealing with socially weak children with mental retardation.

참고 자료

Jeakwon, Jeong and Seong Su Ja, “The Influence of Programs Designed to Understanding Handicapped Children on Changes in the Attitudes of Ordinary Children”, These Education Journals for Physical and Multiple Disabilities, 2001 Print.
Samsniene, Laimute, Algirdas Juozulynas, Gene Surkiene, Konstancija Jankauskiene and Aloyza Juksiene, “Psychosocial Environment for the Integrated Education Opportunities of the Disabled in Lithuania”, BMC Public Healthy December.2006: 1-7. Print.
Groce, Ellen Nora, “Violence against Disabled Children: UN Secretary General’s Report on Violence against Children Thematic Group on Violence against Disabled Children Finding and Recommendation”, UNICEF at the United Nation, July 2005 Print.

Laimute Samsoniene†1, Algirdas Juozulynas†2, Gene Surkiene†3,
Konstancija Jankauskiene†4 and Aloyza Lukšiene†2
판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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장애 아동에 대한 인식을 바꾸기 위한 통합교육의 필요성 -영어 작문
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