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Unemployment of US

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
24페이지/ MS 워드
가격 2,500원 할인쿠폰받기


2010년 미국 실업율에 대한 리포트
다양한 관점에서의 실업율 관찰과 실업율에 대한 간단한 고찰


Executive Summary 3
Basic Concept of Employment, Unemployment and Labor Force 4
Conditions of Employment 4
Types of Employment 5
Conditions of Unemployment 5
Types of Unemployment 6
1. Cyclical Unemployment 6
2. Frictional Unemployment: 7
3. Structural Unemployment 7
4. Classical or Real Wage Unemployment: 8
5. Seasonal Unemployment 8
Full employment 9
GDP and Unemployment 10
Unemployment and Industry 11
High and Low Unemployment States and State Industry 11
Unemployment Insurance 13
Benefit Eligibility 13
Extensions to Benefits 14
Extended Benefits (EB) 14
Emergency Unemployment Compensation (EUC) 15
Minimum Wage 15
High, Low and No Minimum Wage States 16
Relationship between High Minimum Wages and Unemployment 16
Stimulus 16
Oregon Politics 2010 17
Balance of Trade 18
Recommendation 20


Executive Summary

The unemployment rate rose up to 9.6% as of September, 2010. The unemployment became heavy burden for U.S. This paper designed to understand about the unemployment rate and give potential solution.

The labor force is combination of employed people and unemployed people. The employed person defined who has a job with seven exceptions. The unemployed person defined who are jobless, looking for a job and available for a job. The unemployment rate simply expresses as total number of unemployed people divides by total number of the labor force. There are five types of unemployment which are cyclical, frictional, structural, classical and seasonal unemployment. Each types of unemployment have unique characteristic.

참고 자료

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