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TOK essay 작성 노하우

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Writing a IB Theory of Knowledge essay

본 문서는 외국 소재의 고등학교에서 IB를 공부하시는 해외고 학생분들을 대상으로 한 TOK essay 작성 노하우 글입니다. 본인이 직접 작성한 철학 에세이를 바탕으로 글의 형식(format)부터 체계적인 내용 전개까지 고득점을 받을 수 있도록 자세한 설명글을 코멘트로 첨부하였습니다. 이 문서에 기재된 노하우가 IB를 공부하시는 학생분들께서 bonus points로 3점을 획득하실 수 있도록 많은 도움을 드릴 것입니다.




서론 (Introduction)
In our daily life, we look at a number of things and interpret them either consciously or unconsciously. One’s interpretation of a subject can be unique and differ from others. But why do people have different interpretations towards a same subject? Before answer this question, we first need to think about the nature of truth. If someone ask me whether truth exists, then I would say yes but not possible to find. There might be an objective truth somewhere but this becomes subjective when it is perceived by us. This is because “we see and understand things not as they are but as we are.” Seeing is one form of perception, the process of raising our awareness through our senses.

본론 (Body) – 3
On the other hand, in some cases our perspectives are not affected by language, when it has nothing to do with our emotion. Biologically, before we see something, we first go through the process of selecting a subject. Emotionally-arousing subjects can be more easily appealing to people’s eyes and grab their attention, increasing their possibility to be selected. Then information of a chosen subject is transferred to our brain, and it interprets the signals as what we are seeing.3 Each knower is biologically different. Because of this, people see differently and perceive differently.

참고 자료

Electronic sources
“What Is Perception?” Audiblox. Learninginfor. 11 Dec.09. <http://www.learninginfo.org/perception.htm>
Sang Hyung Na. “The Korean-Japanese Territorial Dispute Over Dokdo/Takeshima” Storming Media. 13 Dec.09. Storming Media LLC. <http://www.stormingmedia.us/96/9675/A967574.html>
“The Visual Process: How the Eyes Work?” Protect-Your-Eyesight.com. 5 Feb.10. EyeSight. 15 Dec.09.
판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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