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assisted suicide

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
6페이지/ MS 워드
가격 1,500원 할인쿠폰받기


A 받았던 자료입니다



I. Introduction
Nowadays, many people claim that assisted suicide, which is an on-going controversial issue, should be banned in society due to ethical issue.

II. Definition of assisted suicide
a. What is ‘assisted suicide’
b. Passive euthanasia
c. Active euthanasia

III. Thesis statement : assisted suicide – the right to die
Assisted suicide should be legalized in certain cases. Patients who are terminally ill should be allowed to determine the time and situation of their death

IV. Why should assisted suicide be legalized?
a. Quality of life for patient of hopeless case
b. Patient and their families financial burden
c. The value of human life

V. Oregon : the Death with Dignity Act

VI. Conclusion

Assisted suicide should be legalized in certain cases.


There are so many terminally ill people who don’t want to protract their suffering of death and want to end their last days and weeks of life with others’ help, which bring up a controversial physician assisted suicide issue. Whether the terminally ill are going through a physical suffering or a mental agony from incurable illness, it is clear that they should be able to make a decision to end their suffering if that is the only thing they want.
In his book Final Exit, Derek Humphrey explains the procedure for assisted suicide:
“Patients get lethal drugs from somebody else, usually a physician, and swallow them to cause their them to do so, but at present it is a felony for the person who supplied the drug or took any action physically death. It is legal for to help you. Despite the present criminality of assistance, this procedure is gaining increasing ethical acceptance” Moreover, He illustrated two type of euthanasia. One is passive euthanasia. Popularly known as “pulling the plug,” it is the disconnection of medical life-support equipment without which you cannot live it. It could be a respirator to aid breathing, a feeding tube to provide liquids and nutrition or certain drugs to stave off death. Another is active euthanasia. Death brought about by physician’s injection of lethal drugs. This procedure is illegal and despite the necessity for it in certain case. (Humphrey 2-3). In my research case, I will take an overall look at the assisted suicide.

참고 자료

Humphrey, Derek. Final Exit. New York: Dell Publishing, 2002. 1-208. Print.

John Kewon, euthanasia, ethics and public policy, United Kingdom: the University of Cambridge, 2002. 1-291. print

Laura K. Egendorf, Assisted Suicide, Greenhaven Press, 1998. 1-273print

William Dudley, Opposing Viewpoints in Social Issues, Greenhaven Press, 2000. 1-298 print
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