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영문에세이)불교- Comparing and Contrasting Meditation, Devotion, and Generosity in Buddhism

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6페이지/ MS 워드
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불교의 자비, 명상, 보살정신을 조사, 비교한 것이구요. 이 세가지가 수행자를 어디로 이끄는지, 어떻게 이끄는지를 비교해서 쓴 것입니다.




The many practices, rituals, and customs found throughout Buddhism worldwide can be classified as meditation, devotion, or generosity, and while having significant differences and the occasional similarity, ultimately move the practitioner further along the road to nirvana. The first of these terms, meditation, can be understood as the concentration or contemplation on certain subjects in the hope to achieve enlightenment. The second term, devotion, is the commitment to – and faith in – a symbol or power that offers salvation. The last term, generosity (or Dāna), is translated as the practice of giving. It is also the cultivating of generosity, or generous nature (Strong, 2008, p. 126), often resulting in the accumulation of good karma. As one can see by their very definitions, these praxes move the practitioner towards an awakening in different ways; however, they are not always mutually exclusive. At times, paths will cross or overlap with one another, perhaps in an effort to double – or triple – up on effectiveness. Therefore, we will examine the gains and goals found along each winding (and sometimes crossed over) path to enlightenment.

Meditation is an exercise of the mind and an essential practice for any Buddhist who strives to attain enlightenment. It is the contemplation on certain subjects in the hope to achieve enlightenment. Before one can meditate on intense mind changing subjects, one must first achieve “mindfulness,” which is a state of utmost concentration and awareness. Oftentimes,

참고 자료

Aronson, H.B. (1996). Love and sympathy in theravāda buddhism. Delhi: Motilal Barnashidass.
Kasahara, K. (Ed.). (2001). A history of Japanese religion. Tokyo: Kosei Publishing.
McFarlane , S. (2001). Buddhism, edited by Peter Harvey. New York: Continuum.
Strong, J. (2008). The Experience of Buddhism: Sources and Interpretations. 3rd Ed. Belmont, CA: Thomson Wadsworth.
Tsong-kha-pa. (2002). The great treatise on the stages of the path to enlightenment. Canada: Snow Lion .
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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영문에세이)불교- Comparing and Contrasting Meditation, Devotion, and Generosity in Buddhism
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