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animal testing

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No Animal Testing
These days, many people suffer from illness so they take medicines for reducing suffering. Many pharmaceutical companies use innocent animals to test for assuring safety and efficacy of medicine. However, unreliability of animal testing is known among scientists and the pharmaceutical industry for decades. In 1964 Dr J Gallagher admitted `Animal studies are done for legal reasons and not for scientific reasons` (15). It means that many companies do animal testing to shelter themselves legally. They can be protected by animal data, even though their drugs kill or injure people. Therefore, the using animal to test should be reduced because it leads to misleading results and there are alternative methods.
First, animal testing should be reduced because drug effects used in animal testing are not perfectly predictive in humans. There are many cases that a medicine is not efficacious to humans, even though it is efficacious in animal testing. Archibald states that US National Cancer Institute has treated the mouse for cancer.

참고 자료

Works Cited
“Alternatives to Animal Testing.” Biologist 53.3 (2000): 120
Archibald, Kathy. “Animal Testing: Science or Fiction?” The Ecologist May 2005: 14-16
Archibald, Kathy. “Test people, not animals.” New Scientist 187.2518 (2005): 10
Tatchell, Peter. “Why animal research is bad science.” Newstatesman 9 Aug. 2004: 18-19
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