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[영문]3M 회사분석

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
11페이지/ MS 워드
가격 8,000원 할인쿠폰받기


목차(Contents) 참고하세요



1. Organization description

2. Product development stages in 3M
2.1 Idea generation
2.2 Product development

3. Discussion
3.1 Issues
3.2 Recommendations
3.2.1 15% rule
3.2.2 Test marketing

4. Discussion
4.1 Issues
4.1.1 Six sigma: obstruct idea generation
4.1.2 Changing R&D cultural aspects
4.1.3 Postponement of new product development
4.2 Recommendations
4.2.1 Removing obligation of Six sigma
4.2.2 Enlargement of R&D and reallocation




Idea generation → idea screening → Concept → Feasibility → Product & process development → Pilot production → Scale up

New product development is crucial because that affects all parts of the value chain and system. Innovation process may be just as important as new products or services, particularly in industries which are `mature`. Often, this process affects the way a product or service reaches the customer. Managers so-called mature industries should be alert to opportunities for new products and services.

Before going on to discussion, here are some description of NPD phrases which is according to 3M issues

2.1 Idea generation

New product development starts with this process. A Company typically has to generate a number of ideas in order to find a few good ones. Post-it inventor Art Fry argues that innovation is a numbers game so companies have to find out 5000 to 6000 raw ideas to find one successful business. Ideas could be searched both of internal sources and external sources-include customers, competitors, distributors and suppliers, and others. 3M emphasize brainstorming in this phrase which is the fundamental to lest of product development process.

참고 자료

Brian Hindo. Business week (june.11.2007) At 3M, A Struggle Between Efficiency And Creativity [Online] available from <http://www.businessweek.com/magazine/content/07_24/b4038406.htm>
[Accessed 17 march 2009]

Hisrich, R.D & Peter, M.P. (2002). Marketing decisions for new and mature products( 3rd ed). US Imports & PHIPEs

Poppendieck.LLC (2008) Reflections on Development [Online] available from <http://www.poppendieck.com/development1.htm>[Accessed 19 march 2009]

Philip Kotler & Gary Armstrong (1999) Principle of marketing(12th ed). Peason Education
21st Century organizations (2007) What Ails 3M? Six Sigma or Poor Strategy? [Online] available from <http://c21org.typepad.com/21st_century_organization/2007/06/what_ailes_3m_s.html>[Accessed 18 march 2009]

3M (2008) company information [Online] available from <http://solutions.3m.com/wps/portal/3M/en_US/our/company/information>
[Accessed 16 march 2009]

3M Post-it® (2009) A NOTE-able Achievement [Online] available from <http://www.3m.com/us/office/postit/pastpresent/history_ws.html> [Accessed 16 march 2009]


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