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IB Geography fieldwork report 모범샘플 (HL internal assessment, 2500자)

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22페이지/ 어도비 PDF
가격 20,000원 할인쿠폰받기


IB Geography HL fieldwork report sample
obtained final grade: 7점


Table of Contents
Data Presentation and Analysis
Conclusion and Evaluation


The Central Business District (CBD) is described as Waugh (2000) say, “the core of
a city’s business and commercial activities.” With one of the largest number and
concentration of pedestrians in the city, it causes a large competition in every aspect of
business, thus explaining why it contains the largest department stores and specialist
shops, the tallest buildings in the city with large proportions being the city’s main office,
the largest concentration and amount of traffic and the major lines of communication into
the city.
It contains the highest prices of buildings for rent, which bid-rent theory states are the
shortage of space which causes the high prices of buildings. It also states that there are
three types of users who will rent space, commerce, industry and residential users. The
commerce will pay for renting land that’s near the CBD while the industry has a larger
range of distance to the CBD with a lower range of price to rent, and lastly residential
users will have the largest distance to the CBD with the lowest renting price that they
decide to pay. Overall, the trend for is, the closer to the CBD, the higher the rent. The
reasons for this are because of the services, such as hospitals, are more available and
much better in quality. The business headquarters are usually located their and it forces
people to move near the city. Also because of this, the competition rises between the 3
types of buyers of buildings because all of them need a place to stay, thus creating higher
prices of buildings near the CBD.


For a similar fieldwork in the future, it would be better to consider other factors than
the Waugh definition. During the fieldwork, significant observations were made, such as
seeing a tennis court in an underground floor, or seeing CBD signs throughout the
transact, or seeing a park in the middle of the CBD. If in the future the same experiment
were done, it would be advised to observe and record the CBD signs around the area and
to record the specific usage of land. Therefore, I conclude that the Waugh definition is
not fully able to ‘define’ whether a certain area is in the CBD or not for a culturally
unique place.

참고 자료

A-Z Advancing Geography Fieldwork Authors: David Holmes & Dave Farbrother Publ.
Geographical Association Sheffield, UK 2000
Methods of presenting fieldwork data. Authors: Peter St.John and Dave Richardson.
Geographical Association. Sheffield, UK 1989
Waugh, David. Geography An Integrated Approach. United Kingdom: Nelson Thornes,
Xinhuanet. "Beijing`s population exceeds 17 million". Beijing 2008. 4 November, 2009
Schwandl, Robert. "BEIJING". Urbanrail.net. 9 November, 2009
"Jianwai SOHO". RENTNET.com.cn. 3 December 2009
Wangjingjing, Jane. "Great Hyatt Apartments for rent". Lezone Real Estate. 3 December,
2009 <http://www.bj-realestate.com/Great_Hyatt_Apartments_for_Rent.htm>.
Wangjingjing, Jane. "China World Apartments for Rent". Lezone Real Estate. 3
November, 2009 <http://www.bjrealestate.
"China World Trade Center III". Emporis. 4 December, 2009
Louise, Davis. “CBD sign on Garbage Can.” Photo. 3 December, 2009.
McClendon, Brian. Google Earth.
판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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