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체벌금지에 관한 agumentative essay 입니다.

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서울 Y대 영문과 수업에 제출했던 arguementative essay 입니다
주제는 corporal punishment이고
학점은 A받았습니다 외국인 첨삭을 통해 괜찮은 수준의 에세이라고 말들었습니다




Have you heard the news that Seoul Office of Education prohibited the corporal punishment in school by law? Corporal punishment, a kind of physical punishment that involves the deliberate infliction of pain for the purpose of disciplining a wrongdoer, has been a big issue in Korea society because of this decision. Some problems occur after corporal punishment being banned; for example, The teacher has been sexually harassed from students, because students know the teacher cannot inflict corporal punishment to them (Mok A8). Besides, some of them slapped their teacher on the face in a fit of anger after she was scolded (A8). However, this situation is just only small part of all aspects brought out from the prohibition of corporal punishment. Winds of positive changes are blowing in schools such as the increasing of communication. Therefore, we should prohibit the corporal punishment by law in secondary school for three reasons.

참고 자료

“The Universal Declaration of Human Rights”. United Nations .1948
Mok Jung-Min. “Sexual harassment and Swearword to teachers, a crisis or teacher”.
Kyunghyang shinmun 10 Jan. 2011:A8. Print.
Ripoll and Ronald, Rohner. “Corporal Punishment in Cross-Cultural
Perspective: Directions for a Research Agenda”. Cross-Cultural-Research
40.1(2006) : 220-249
Robert West. “ How the violence occurs”. London Psychology Society 30.2(2005)
Schumann. “Legislation and Liberalization: The Debate about Corporal Punishment
in Schools in Postwar West Germany.” The German History Society 25.2 (2007) :
1-28. Print.
Seon-young, Kim. “The Research about the corporal punishment in Middle School”.
Yonsei University, 2007.Print.


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