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Gerard Manley Hopkins`s The Wreck of the Deutschland: A Poetic Christology Represented in the Ignatian Meditation

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21페이지/ MS 워드
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My argument in this essay is that Gerard Manley Hopkins`s poetry, especially his The Wreck of the Deutschland, constitutes--what I call--a poetic Christology within the framework of the Ignatian meditation. The fusion and interplay of nature, God (Christ Incarnate), and man, represented in his poetry, reveal the sacramental correspondence within the Ignatian spirituality. My discussion begins with the premise that the act of reading The Wreck of the Deutschland is made possible only in the light of the Ignatian meditation, as the act of writing the poem by Hopkins might have been so. In this essay, I will show how the interplay between nature, God, and man is performed in his poetry, discussing the concepts of "instress" and "inscape”, and then, following the process of the Ignatian meditation, I will discuss The Wreck of the Deutschland, suggesting that the poem constitutes a poetic Christology.




Hopkins coins his own new terms such as "inscape" and "instress" to reinforce his poetics of sacramental revelation. According to OED, inscape is the "`individual or essential quality of a thing; the uniqueness of an observed object, scene, event, etc.`" (OED, 1976; quoted in Mackenzie 232). And in his journal, Hopkins says, "`All the world is full of inscape`" (Journals 230; quoted in Mackenzie 232). In that sense, inscape is a way of perceiving the outer world; it shows the inner aspect or form of things and hence, distinguishes their respective individualities.

참고 자료

Balthasar, Hans Urs Von. The Glory of the Lord. Vol. III. Studies in
Theological Style: Lay Styles. Ed. John Riches. Trans. Andrew
Louth, John Saward, Martin Simon and Rowan Williams. Publisher
Unkown. 1986.
Gardner, W. H. Introduction. Poems and Prose of Gerard Manley Hopkins.
by G. M. Hopkins. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1953.
Hartman, Geoffrey H. The Unmediated Vision: An Interpretation of
Wordsworth, Hopkins, and Valery. New York: Harcourt, Brace & World, 1966.
Hopkins, Gerard Manley. Poems and Prose of Gerard Manley Hopkins. Ed.
W. H. Gardner. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1953.
MacKenzie, Norman H. A Reader's Guide to Gerard Manley Hopkins. London: Thames and Hudson, 1981.
Miller, J. Hillis. Topographies. Meridian/Crossing Aesthetics. Stanford: Stanford UP, 1995.
Schoder, Raymond V., S. J. "The 'Carrier-Witted' Heart: The Ignatian
Quality of The Wreck." Readings of The Wreck: Essays in
Commemoration of the Centenary of G. M. Hopkins' The Wreck of the
판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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