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American Dream Embodied by Benjamin Franklin - `Autobiography`를 읽고

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4페이지/ MS 워드
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벤자민 프랭클린의 `자서전`을 읽고 아메리칸 드림에 대해서 쓴 글입니다.
영어로 작성한 레포트이며 response paper라서 개인적인 의견이 담긴 글이고 충실하게 원작을 인용하고 근거를 찾아 쓴 글입니다.
A 받은 과목이며 레포트 자체는 9/10 점이었습니다.




First of all, I’m going to cover Benjamin Franklin’s contribution to the Independence of America, because it can be said that the American dream which people of those times had could be accomplished on the base of the Independence. He worked very hard so as to achieve it and finally he signed the document of great importance in American history which is called, ‘Declaration of Independence’, as a lot of people know. His achievement like this is not mentioned in his Autobiography, but we can figure out how important he is in American history through many books and the documents he signed. In other words, he was a great person who realized the ideal of accomplishing Independence and democracy through real action. So far, I mentioned his real achievement contributing to accomplish the American dream, so I’m going to talk about his personal aspects which are related to the spirit of the American dream through the facts written in his Autobiography.
Firstly, I think the American dream includes a spirit of liberty, because it pursues a liberal democracy that assumes every people have an equal right and freedom. The spirit of the American dream and Benjamin Franklin seem to have in common in that both pursue liberty. He was a very liberal and independent person according to his Autobiography. In The Autobiography, there is a part that young Benjamin Franklin went to Philadelphia alone without any help from his family. After getting through a lot of difficulties, he reached Philadelphia safely.

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