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룻기와 나레이티브의 관계 영문 에세이

*ong Jane Jieu*
최초 등록일
최종 저작일
8페이지/ MS 워드
가격 5,000원 할인쿠폰받기


룻기 (The Book of Ruth) 가 가지고 있는 Narrative voice를 분석하는 글입니다. 모두 제가 직접 작성하였으며 참고한 문헌은 정확하게 reference로 표시되어있습니다. 외국인 교수님께 A를 받은 에세이입니다. 도움되시길바랍니다!


2.The role of the narrative voice in the Book of Ruth
3.The narrative voice and the characters
4.The relationship with the reader


The two sentences mentioned above both tell the story from the prospective of a mother (the author points out that both sentences use the identical form of the verb and the general construction so similar). But a closer examination by the author revealed one distinction: in verse three it is her ‘sons’ who died, in verse five she described them as ‘children’ (from the verb yalad which means to give birth).
Some may interpret such a small shift of words as a result of a random work, yet this scholar tries to see the intention behind it. He says, the narrator intended to indicate the influence of the deaths on Naomi. According to the scholar, the wording change reflects a change in Naomi’s inner state. As if she perceived her living ‘sons’ as ‘sons’ because they were married adults and independent. But after the deaths, they were no longer adults in life, rather they again became ‘children’ they once were.

참고 자료

The Book of Ruth, N. Philip (ed.) Perrault’s Complete Fairy Tales, translated by A.E. Johnson and other (New York: Dodd & Mead, 1951)
Jan Wojcik, “Improvising Rules in the Book of Ruth,” Modern Language Association, Vol. 100, No. 2 (Mar. 1985)
Edward L. Greenstein, “Biblical Narratology”, Prooftexts, Vol. 1, No. 2, Indiana University Press (MAY 1981)
Claus Westermann, “Structure and Intention of the Book of Ruth”, Word & World, Volume XIX, Number 3, Luther Seminary (Summer 1999)
L. J. de Regt, Jan de Waard, J. P. Fokkelman, “Literary structure and rhetorical strategies in the Hebrew Bible”, Uitgeverij Van Gorcum (1996)
*ong Jane Jieu*
판매자 유형Bronze개인
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