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[영문] 미 제약회사 Merck & Co 와 Pfizer사 비교 분석, compare and contrast Merck & Co and Pfizer

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최종 저작일
11페이지/ MS 워드
가격 2,000원 할인쿠폰받기


In 1891, George Merck established his roots in the United States and set up Merck & Co. in NY as the US arm of the family partnership, E. Merck (named for Emanuel Merck), which is now Merck KGaA. Merck & Co. was confiscated in 1917 during World War I and set up as an independent company in the United States. Between the wars and during World War II, the company was led by George W. Merck, who oversaw America`s germ-warfare research at Fort Detrick. Today, the US company has about 56,700 employees in 120 countries and 31 factories worldwide. It is one of the top 7 pharmaceutical companies worldwide, much larger than its German ancestor, which currently employs around 32,800 people in 62 countries.
Pfizer is named after German-American cousins Charles Pfizer and Charles Erhardt (they were originally from Ludwigsburg, Germany) who launched a fine chemicals business, Charles Pfizer and Company, from a building at the intersection of Harrison Avenue and Bartlett Street in Williamsburg, Brooklyn in 1849. There, they produced an antiparasitic called santonin. This was an immediate success, although it was the production of citric acid that really kick-started Pfizer`s growth in the 1880s. Pfizer continued to buy property to expand its lab and factory on the block bounded by Bartlett Street; Harrison Avenue; Gerry Street; and Flushing Avenue. That facility was used by Pfizer until 2005, when Pfizer closed its original plant along with several others. Pfizer established its original administrative headquarters at 81 Maiden Lane in Manhattan. By 1906, sales totaled nearly $3 million.




Research Paper
This paper is for my client who wishes to know which company needs to be added in one`s portfolio. Two companies I am going to compare and contrast are Merck & co and Pfizer Inc. Those two companies are two of the largest pharmaceutical companies in the world. There are thousands of pharmaceutical companies in the world. Each day, there are many companies established. On the other hand, there are many companies failed to survive in the market. These two companies, Merck & Co and Pfizer Inc, were established during late 20th century and they are well survived since they established. The paper is going to analyze both companies. Firstly, the basic information about two companies. Secondly, stock performance is provided. Then, research and development of two companies will be shown. Lastly, the paper will introduce few products of each company.
History is the most important information to know. Therefore, the paper is firstly talk about basic history of each company. Merck & Co. traces its origins to Friedrich Jacob Merck who purchased a drug store in Darmstadt , Germany in 1668; and Emanuel Merck who took over the store several generations later, in 1816.

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[영문] 미 제약회사 Merck & Co 와  Pfizer사 비교 분석, compare and contrast Merck & Co and Pfizer
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