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Eugene O`Neill`s Long Day`s Journey into Night and The Iceman Cometh: Plays about the Human Conditions―Human Life and Human Relations

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
12페이지/ 한컴오피스
가격 3,000원 할인쿠폰받기


Eugene O`Neill discusses the human conditions, either the human life or the human relationship, respectively in his two plays, Long Day`s Journey into Night and The Iceman Cometh. The first one is combined mainly with the keen perspective of the human life and the second one is primarily with the survival from the disillusioned and betrayed sense of the human relationship. The former hovers in between reality and illusion, but the latter betrays and survives the disillusioned reality of the human relation, finally going home again in the end.


1. A Ghost Named Past in Eugene O`Neill`s Long Day`s Journey into Night: A Play about the Human Condition―the Human Life

2. The Human Bond in Eugene O`Neill’s The Iceman Cometh: A Play about the Human Condition―the Human Relation

<Works Cited>


In his dedication to Carlotta, Eugene O`Neill confesses that his drama, Long Day`s Journey into Night, is written in "tears and blood" with "deep pity and understanding and forgiveness" (p. 7). A naturalistic context mingled with the frame of a family as a basic ground is transformed pertinently into a discussion of our ontological problems. While Tennessee Williams portrays dramatically the inner conflict of man who is destroyed by himself and by society, O`Neill concentrates on the human condition: an eternal wandering between fate, reality, and the ideal. The intensity of tragic destiny, man`s conflicts and pains in fate, make narrow the gap between stage and the audience, and the effect of pity and fear is formed mainly by theatrical techniques such as setting, structure, symbol. They are also combined with a dramatic shaping of the keen perspective of the human life and the human relationships.
Man in A Streetcar Named Desire is absorbed in his own desire, bringing about destruction of himself and others, but the man of Long Day`s Journey into Night is haunted by a ghost named past, and by uncontrollable fate. Mary says in Act Two, "None of us can help the things life has done to us. ... once they`re done they make you

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Eugene O`Neill`s Long Day`s Journey into Night and The Iceman Cometh:  Plays about the Human Conditions―Human Life and Human Relations
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