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Florence Nightingale

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63페이지/ MS 파워포인트
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간호이론의 이해 발표자료입니다.


1. ntroduction
2. Biography
3. Development of Nursing Theories and practices
4. Assumptions and Outline of Florence Nightingale’s Theory
5. Influence on Nursing Theories and practice
6. Application
7. Evaluation
8. View of the Theory
9. Opposition to State Registration of Nurses
10. References


1. Introduction
간호 이론의 여명기(1950년 이전)
Florence Nightingale’s life, her education, aspiration and career
Development of nursing theory in general, and Florence Nightingale’s influence in later nursing theorists’ work
, which was demonstrated through her work on sanitary reform and hospital construction
2. Biography(6-1)
Born in May 12, 1820 to well-educated, affluent British parents
Schooled by her father in mathematics, languages, religion and philosophy (which were put to good use in forming her theories), the young Nightingale began her nursing training in Germany(Kaiserswerth)
종교적 소명 의식 : 1837년 일기 기록
“신께서 나로 하여금 그의 일을 하도록 부르셨다.”
Florence Nightingale`s family home - Embley Park
2. Biography(6-2)
Eliminating sanitation problems on the army wards during her time in the Crimean War
Although medical care in the army was higher than in the community, conditions were still appalling with blocked latrines, overflowing cesspools and contaminated drinking water
The latter playing an important part in epidemic outbreaks of cholera
2. Biography(6-3)
‘The Lady of the Lamp’
After returning to England, she became Superintendent of the Hospital for Invalid Gentlewomen
During the 1840’s, sanitary reform in the community became a big political issue

참고 자료

Ruby L Wesley, 김명애, 고성희 공저(1995). 간호이론. 현문사
편집부 편저(2000). 핵심간호이론. 은하 출판사
이소우, 김주현, 이병숙, 이은희, 정면숙 공저(2009). 간호이론의 이해. 수문사
Nightingale, F. (1992). Notes on Nursing. London: Scutari Press.
Paulette Tull (1996). Professional Nursing Studies. Northampton College of Higher Education
Bernard Cohen (1984). Florence Nightingale. Scientific American 250(3):128-137.
Carol Helmstadter (2007). Florence Nightingale’s opposition to State Registration of Nurses. Nursing History Review; 15, Research Library pg. 155
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