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Gait analysis

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
47페이지/ MS 파워포인트
가격 1,500원 할인쿠폰받기


보행 분석에 관한 정리입니다.




Gait Analysis
Gait analysis offers maximal challenge to patient care
Surgery: focus on the primary dysfunction, not the compensatory motion
Surgery in neuromuscular disease is a guessing game prior to clinical gait analysis
Observational gait analysis
We know well that our sight, by rapid observation, discovers from one vantage point, an infinity of forms; nevertheless, it only understands one thing at a time
Leonardo da Vinci
Modern gait analysisModern gait analysis
1) video system
2) motion measurement system
3) force plates
3D kinematic and kinetic analysis
4) dynamic electromyography
5) energy consumption detector
The study of the joint motions observed
Joint angles angular acceleration
The study of the forces by the joints during gait
Joint forces
Gait analysis
Normal gait
Provides a basis of understanding locomotion
Defines normal ranges
Pathological gait
Identifies deviation

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