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(comparison essay) the iPad and the Galaxy Tab

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
7페이지/ MS 워드
가격 5,000원 할인쿠폰받기


상품 비교 에세이입니다.

갤탭과 아이패드 비교분석했고 미국인 교수님께 A+와 극찬을 받은 자료입니다.

100% 본인이 작성했고 MLA스타일로 정리한 works cited까지 포함되어 있습니다.




After Apple achieved continual success with the iPod, the iPhone and a series of laptops, they are now trying to accomplish another success with the iPad. Since Apple launched the iPad in April of 2010, it has been greatly praised by people all walks of life. However, Samsung, which competes with Apple in the MP3, smart phone and laptop market, released their tablet PC--Galaxy Tab in November of 2010. People who prefer the Android operating system were cheering as the Tab was released. The iPad is facing a huge challenge. As the most powerful pursuer, the Tab is catching up and has created a threat to the iPad. Tablet PC is still a new device for people. It means more fashion and more convenient. Then, which one will be more appropriate for fashionable people?
The iPad is more attractive on the whole view. The Tab and the iPad are different but similar in appearance. The Tab has a 7-inch screen and weighs only 0.84lbs, and is 11.98 mm thick. Compared with the iPad, which has 9.7-inch screen and weighs 1.5lbs to 1.6lbs (depends on the device whether to support Wi-Fi mode only or Wi-Fi mode and 3G mode), 13.4 mm thick, the Tab is lighter and more portable. Therefore, in limited space, such as subway or bus, people can use a single hand to grasp and manipulate it. It is much more convenient to use than the iPad. From the design point of view, both the Tab and the iPad have a simple style. The overall functions are relatively fine,

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판매자 유형Bronze개인인증
중국 생활 10년, 미국 생활 2년한 직장인입니다. 레포트 및 번역 위주로 작업합니다
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(comparison essay) the iPad and the Galaxy Tab
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