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영어 영화 감상문, Monty Python

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3페이지/ MS 워드
가격 2,500원 할인쿠폰받기


A+ 받은 영어 영화 감상문입니다.




Monty Python
This movie is the hardest to find a laughing point. It is too cruel to be funny, too difficult to laugh. What I felt for the film is upside down, since everything goes opposite as we know. So I have to say that the film itself is really funny, yet not shallow, and the director is such a naughty.
The film remind me of Don Quixote consider there are lots of satires. First I want to talk about the history. It is surely goes opposite with the concept that I am familiar with. I do not know for sure, but Inted to tell us the history we believe may not like it was as real. As I grew up, I read King Arthur story and I thought he is like a hero or savior. But in the film, he is full of vanity. When he pretends that he has a horse and rides them, even with the coconut sound, it is just silly. That is not the King Arthur Iout the one famous historian’s death seemed sudden of course, but it somehow goes with the critique about history. Why would the director make the historian die in few scenes? And about the Holy Grail is in the same track. Usually in the stories about Holy Grail, main characters find it and finish the story.

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