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[영문]지구 온난화를 일으키는 요인들에 관한 리포트

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
17페이지/ MS 워드
가격 4,000원 할인쿠폰받기


지구 온난화에 대한 전반적인 분석
온난화를 일으키는 요인과 그로 인한 피해
현상황에 대해서 전반적인 설명과 해설 및 그에 따른 참고 자료


Ⅰ. Introduction

Ⅱ. Cause
1. Greenhouse gases
2. Heat from Earth’s core

1. Hurricanes, typhoons and cyclones
2. Floods
3. Melting ice caps
4. Heatwaves
5. Effect on the soil
6. Ecological imbalance
7. Acidic ocean water
8. Diseases
9. Population density

Ⅳ. Current Condition


Earth is heating up since an ice age, and today its rate of heating has been accelerated steeper. Because of that we have faced a lot of new environmental problems. The average temperature is getting higher. In the 2003 summer of Europe was hit by a massive heatwave that killed 35000 people. In addition to that, as the oceans get warmer, storms get stronger. In 2004, Florida in U.S.A was hit by four unusually powerful hurricanes, and then came Katrina which recorded the worst hurricane in U.S.A in 2005. There has also been recorded flooding in China, which, as one of the planet’s oldest civilizations, keeps the best flood records of any nation in the world. It goes without saying that this phenomenon of Global warming leads negative impacts to human being’s life. Thus, we need to know what makes Earth warmer whether it is natural phenomenon or caused by human being and should give an effort to solve this problem.

According to the scientific research, there are two main reasons which lead to Global warming; Greenhouse gases and Heat from Earth’s core which cause the global warming.

The first reason
Greenhouse gases
► Basic science of global warming

The Sun’s energy enters the atmosphere in the form of light waves and heats up the Earth. Some of that energy warms the Earth and then is re-radiated back into space in the form of infrared waves. Under normal conditions, a portion of the outgoing infrared radiation is naturally trapped by the atmosphere- and that is a good thing, because it keeps the temperature on Earth within comfortable bounds.

참고 자료




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