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College Students’ Tuition Payment Methods

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College Students’ Tuition Payment Methods

When I was a high school student, I thought that being a university student would be awesome in many aspects. I dreamed I would meet many new people, search for a profound truth, travel to many places by myself and have a lot more time for leisure activities. In reality, however, these expectations are not actually the case for a junior student. I have been living in a boarding house ever since I entered college because my hometown is Pusan. Thus, the cost of living has doubled since I moved away from my family. I have worked private tutoring as a part-time job to pay my living expenses for three years. I received eight billion won in a month from two middle school students as private lesson fees. However, I could only save 1 billion won each month, after putting aside money for housing costs, which is 4.2 billion won, as well as transportation, eating and basic living expenses. I really want to pay my tuition on my own, but I can’t afford the tuition on what I’m earning now. Besides I don’t have enough time to make more money. I am very busy with continually pouring over assignments and exams. I am also involved in Book Discussion and Debating Club activities once a week. Therefore my parents are paying the tuition of all four years of college. It is not easy for college students to make tuition money. So I’ll start by introducing the possible shortcomings that are likely to occur for college students who work during the semester or vacation to provide tuition money for themselves, followed by four plausible alternatives.


College Students’ Tuition Payment Methods

When I was a high school student, I thought that being a university student would be awesome in many aspects. I dreamed I would meet many new people, search for a profound truth, travel to many places by myself and have a lot more time for leisure activities. In reality, however, these expectations are not actually the case for a junior student. I have been living in a boarding house ever since I entered college because my hometown is Pusan. Thus, the cost of living has doubled since I moved away from my family. I have worked private tutoring as a part-time job to pay my living expenses for three years. I received eight billion won in a month from two middle school students as private lesson fees. However, I could only save 1 billion won each month, after putting aside money for housing costs, which is 4.2 billion won, as well as transportation, eating and basic living expenses. I really want to pay my tuition on my own, but I can’t afford the tuition on what I’m earning now. Besides I don’t have enough time to make more money. I am very busy with continually pouring over assignments and exams. I am also involved in Book Discussion and Debating Club activities once a week. Therefore my parents are paying the tuition of all four years of college. It is not easy for college students to make tuition money. So I’ll start by introducing the possible shortcomings that are likely to occur for college students who work during the semester or vacation to provide tuition money for themselves, followed by four plausible alternatives.


College Students’ Tuition Payment Methods
When I was a high school student, I thought that being a university student would be awesome in many aspects. I dreamed I would meet many new people, search for a profound truth, travel to many places by myself and have a lot more time for leisure activities. In reality, however, thee case for a junior student. I have been living in a boarding house ever since I entered college because my hometown is Pusan. Thus, the cost of living has doubled since I moved away from my family. I have worked private tutoringime job to pay my living expenses for three years. I received eight billion won in a month from two middle school students as private lesson fees. However, I could only save 1 billion won each month, after putting aside money for housing costs, which is 4.2 billion won, as well as transportation, eating and basic living expenses. I really want to pay my tuition on my own, but I can’t afford the tuition on what I’m earning now. Besides I don

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자료 및 게시물 내용의 불법적 이용, 무단 전재∙배포는 금지되어 있습니다.
저작권침해, 명예훼손 등 분쟁 요소 발견 시 고객센터의 저작권침해 신고센터를 이용해 주시기 바랍니다.

해피캠퍼스는 구매자와 판매자 모두가 만족하는 서비스가 되도록 노력하고 있으며, 아래의 4가지 자료환불 조건을 꼭 확인해주시기 바랍니다.

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College Students’ Tuition Payment Methods
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2024년 07월 20일 토요일
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