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English article, 영어, 해외기사 ,시사 5개 원본 및 해석본

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An anchor from what is said to be the wreck of notorious English pirate Blackbeard`s flagship has been retrieved off North Carolina`s coast, BBC News reported Saturday, quoting U.S. archaeologists. The massive anchor -- weighing more than 1,000kg -- is one of the largest artifacts on what is believed to be the Queen Anne`s Revenge ship, the report said. The anchor will now be put in a museum. The flagship is thought to have sunk in 1718, five months after Blackbeard was killed by British sailors. The U.S. archaeologists said they had first planned to lift a bigger anchor but realized it was too well-attached to other items in the ballast pile, according to BBC News. They said that divers would continue to work next week and then decide how to proceed to retrieve other artifacts from the ship, it said. Project manager Mark Wilde-Ramsing said the team hoped to recover all the artifacts by the end of 2013, the Associated Press news agency reports. Blackbeard, whose real name is believed to be Edward Teach or Thatch, was a much-feared pirate, who operated off America`s eastern coast and around the West Indies.

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