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NGO와 그린피스(NGO and Greenpeace)

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
11페이지/ MS 워드
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NGO 의 개념과 역사 및 그린피스의 사례분석으로 통한 NGO의 국제사회에 미치는 영향에 대한 심층분석 레포트임(영문레포트)


1. Introduction

2. What are the NGOs?
2.1 Definition
2.2 Various NGOs

3. Influences of NGOs in International Relations
3.1 Greenpeace
3.2 Roles and Influences of NGOs

4. Conclusion


1. Introduction
NGOs (Non- Governmental Organizations) are not newly formulated bodies, rather it has a long history which can be traced back to early of 19th century. However, NGOs have been spotlighted after WWII by acknowledging the limited role of nation states including international bodies. With the end of the Cold War, the numbers of NGOs increased tremendously because people started to turn their eyes towards more broaden issues such as human rights, environment issues from ideological issues.
NGOs are often referred as organizations which are free from any individual or collective nation states. As for definition of NGOs, Peter Willets comments on NGOs as non-commercial, and non-political organizations which should be able to raise funds from their members or voluntary contributions. The raison d’etre of NGOs lies in pursing activities which are not being accomplished by governments and also lies in challenging the way government is handling it.

참고 자료

A. Le Roy Bennett, James K. Oliver, 2002, International Organizations: Principle and Issues. Pearson Education, New Jersey
Paul J.D’Anieri, 2010, International Politics: Power and Purpose in Global Affairs. Wadsworth Publishing, California
Willets Peter(eds), 1996, The Conscience of the World - The Influence of Non Government Organizations in the UN System. David Davies Memorial Institute of International Studies, London

Journal & Webpage
Remi Parmentier,1999, Greenpeace and the dumping of wastes at sea. International negotiation, vol.4, no.3
Uganda National NGO forum (accessed in 11 April)
: http://www.fiuc.org/esap/MAKER/MAKER2/General/roleofngos.php
Greenpeace international (accessed in 10 April)
: http://www.greenpeace.org/international/en.html
UK social issue research center(accessed in 14 April)
: http://www.sirc.org/articles/tide_against_greenpeace.html

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