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북한 핵확산(NK nuclear proliferation)

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
16페이지/ MS 워드
가격 2,000원 할인쿠폰받기


북한의 핵무기 계발 역사와 의도, 최근에까지 이르는 핵, 미사일 시험 및 이에대한 강대국들의 대응과 6자회담 등 북핵확산에 대한 심층분석(영문레포트)


1.0 Introduction

2.0 Outbreak of Nuclear Crisis
2.1. First nuclear crisis
2.2. Second nuclear crisis
2.3. Intention of North Korea

3.0 Nuclear capability of North Korea and measures taken by relevant states to
solve the problem
3.1. Nuclear capability of North Korea
3.2. Measures taken by relevant states: Six Party Talks

4.0 Conclusion



1.0 Introduction

North Korea is a communist state which has a peculiar governing ideology and has been struggling to survive within their regime in face of many threats. Nowadays, North Korea is on the cliff internally as well externally. Externally, they are isolated from international society for the reason of developing nuclear weapons, supporting terrorist by selling weapons, committing transnational crimes(smuggling, counterfeiting, drug, tracking) and so on. Internally, they are also in danger. Mainly, they are suffering from economic crisis and it has been threatening their survival of authoritarian regime.
To overcome these problems, North Korea has been using a variety of ways officially and unofficially. Among these ways, development of nuclear weapons has been relatively useful tools for North Korea to gain a lot of benefits even though it resulted in conflicts and tensions with United States and other Northeast Asian states such as Japan, South Korea and China.

참고 자료

▪ Jasper Becker, 2005. Rogue Regime,Kim Jung Il and Looming Threats of North Korea. Oxford : Oxford
University Press
▪ Defense White Paper(1999). ROK Ministry of National Defense
▪ Yun, Philip W, 2006. North Korea: 2005 and beyond. The Walter H. Shorenstein Asia-Pacific Research
▪ Colonel David J. Bishop, 2005. Dismantling North Korea’s Nuclear Weapons Programs. Strategic Studies Institute, U.S. Army War College
▪ John S. Park, 2005. Inside Multilateralism : The Six-Party Talks. The Center for Strategic and International Studies and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

▪ Yongho Kim and Myungchul Kim, 2007. North Korea’s Risk-Taking vis-à-vis the US Coercion in the Nuclear Quagmire. Korean Journal of Defense Analysis, Vol 20, No.4 : 51-69
▪ Bon-Hak Koo, 2006. The Six-Party Talks: A Critical Assessment and Implications for South Korea’s Policy Toward North Korea. Korean Journal of Defense Analysis, Vol 18, No.1 : 85-110
▪ Roy U Kim, 2006. Playing with Fire : The United States’ Nuclear Policy Toward North Korea. Korean Journal of Defense Analysis, Vol 20, No.2 : 21-45
▪ Christoph Bluth, 2005. Between a Rock and an Incomprehensive Place : The United States and the Second North Korean Nuclear Crisis. Korean Journal of Defense Analysis, Vol 17, No.2 : 87-109
▪ Seongwhun Cheon, 2006. Assessing the Threat of North Korea’s Nuclear Capability. Korean Journal of Defense Analysis, Vol. 18, No.3 : 35-69
▪ Eric Teo Chu Cheow, 2006. The North Korean Missile and Nuclear Crisis: China’s Historic and Strategic Stakes on the Korean Peninsula. Korean Journal of Defense Analysis, Vol 18, No.4 : 31-50
▪ Tae-Hyo Kim, 2006. Missile Test… or Test of the Six-Party Talks? Korean Journal of Defense Analysis, Vol 17, No.3 : 71-98
▪ James M. Minnich, 2002. The Denuclearization of North Korea: A Critical Analysis of the 1994 Agreed Framework. Korean Journal of Defense Analysis, Vol 14, No.2 : 5-28
▪ Ted Galen Carpenter,2006. Great Expectations: Washington, Beijing, and the North Korean Nuclear Crisis. Korean Journal of Defense Analysis, Vol 18, No.4 : 7-29

▪ www.en.wikipeida.com/Six-party talks
▪ www.dprkstudies.org/Agreed Framework in 1994
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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