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English as an official language in Korea (No English as an official language)

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
9페이지/ MS 워드
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영어 수업 시간에 영어를 공용어로 쓰는 것에 대한 찬반 토론 중 반대 의견에 대한 리포트 입니다.
A+ 받은 리포트 이구요 참고문헌도 APA형식으로 써있습니다.




English in Korea
Korea is a country with few natural resources but with high-quality human resources. Hence, the main industries of Korea are semiconductor, cars, and digital home appliances which are mainly exported to the world. Korean’s biggest importing countries have been the US and Japan, and now China. As Korea is an export-oriented country, English plays an important role in industries. Along with the development of technology, the amount of Korean exports has increased to over 3.6 billion dollars last year, increasing the growth of Korean economy (KITA statistics, 2010). Hence, big companies such as SamSung, Hyundai, and SK companies require employees with high score in English proficiency test or with high English communication ability.

참고 자료

Ban Jongbin (May, 2010 Junguk Chojunggo Jogiyuhakseng yeondobyul chui.
the country in year base) Yonhap News. Retrieved from
Birx, H.J. (2006). Encyclopedia of Anthropology. Sage.
Carlos Conde (2006) Erosion of English Skills Threatens Growth in the Philippines. New York Times.
Ed. Tom AcArther (1998) “OFFICIAL LANGUAGE” Concise Oxford Companion to the EnglishLanguage, Oxford University Press
Kim Dukhan. (2006). Jaknyun YungEu e ssun don 15jo… SillyukEun Asia 12Gaeguk jung ggolzzi (15 billion won spent on English last year… Ability is the least among 12 Asian countries) Seoul: Chosun.com. Retrieved from
Language spoken for the 2006 censuses (Table 10) (2010) Statistics New Zealand. Retrieved from
Lee Dongyeon (2008). Cultural Action and Cultural Policy Forum. Munhwa Dayangsung gua Migukhwa (Cultural Diversity and Americanization). 21.
Mamphela Ramphele (2009) Here, mother tongue clashes with her mother’s tongue. Sunday Times. Retrieved July 21, 2010 from
Trade Statistics (2010) KITA.net. Retrieved from
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English as an official language in Korea (No English as an official language)
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