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[OLED 실험] Phosphorescent luminescence

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
2페이지/ MS 워드
가격 5,000원 할인쿠폰받기


경희대 정보디스플레이 학과 영문 OLED 실험 보고서 자료입니다.


1. Object
2. Apparatus
3. Method
4. 결과
5. 결과 토의


Phosphorescent luminescence
1. Object: By measuring and analyzing the PL spectrum at low and normal temperature, we can know the differences between phosphorescence and fluorescence. And we can also know the triplet energy state of material.
2. Apparatus: PL spectrophotometer, electric weighing machine, stirrer, low temp PL system, liquid nitrogen, CBP (4,4`-Bis(carbazol-9-yl)biphenyl), Solvent (2-methyl THF, dichloromethane), cuvette, NMR tube, pipet, plask
3. Method
<시료 제조>
1. Put the CBP which is measured at normal temperature into the cuvette with 20mL dichloromethane solvent. The concentration doesn’t matter in this experiment.
2. Make the sample by mixing the CBP which is measured at low temperature with dichloromethane and stir this with using magnetic stirrer.
3. Put the 2-methyle THF: sample in the ratio of 3:1 into the NMR tube. This will prevent the sample to be crystallized at low temperature. Being crystallized can make errors.
<Spectrum 측정>
1. With controlling the band width of PL spectrophotometer, measure the PL spectrum of CBP at normal temperature by selecting the 324nm wavelength which has the good absorbance of CBP.
2. In order to do the experiment in the low temperature, change the measuring kit of PL spectrophotometer into low temperature PL system.
3. Put the liquid nitrogen into the kit. And connect the hose of nitrogen gas in order to prevent steaming up at the surface of NMR tube.
4. Put the NMR tube into the kit by coming and going. This action can also prevent steaming up at the surface of NMR tube.
5. Measure the PL spectrum like the method at normal temperature. (In order to observe phosphorescence, in detail, we need to enlarge the band width of PL spectrophotometer.

참고 자료

판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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2024년 07월 19일 금요일
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