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HBC - Aqualisa Quartz:Simple Shower - consumer behavior analysis, 신제품 런칭 (9-502-030)

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
8페이지/ MS 워드
가격 5,000원 할인쿠폰받기


국내 MBA 과정에서 다루는 하버드비지니스케이스 분석 자료입니다. Assay 혹은 Report 작성시 많은 도움이 되실것 같습니다.

하버드 비지니스케이스 아쿠아질라 쿼츠케이스 - 신제품런칭, New product launching
Harvard Business Case analysis - Aqualisa Quartz:Simple Shower (9-502-030)


1. Brief diagnosis of central issue
2. Issue and situation analysis
3. Alternative solutions proposed
4. Recommendation and other considerations


Aqualisa was founded in 1977 and had developed innovative shower facilities. Aqualisa’s reputation had always been strong as a premium brand and ranked as third largest p_badtags in U.K. shower market. However, when new managing director, Rawlison, joined the company in 1998, he realized that the company was quite comfortable with its niche market, even though its advanced products and services which differentiated from competitors were eroding. He believed that the future of the company was dependant on innovation, thus he built a R&D team in order to exploit the future of shower facilities.
After three years of development, in 2001, Aqualisa had launched a radically new shower called Quartz. The Quartz was technologically superior to previous products in terms of water pressure, easier installation, usage, and design. However, its sales was not progressing well in the market, even though a lot of additional benefits were provided.
The management of Aqualisa were anxious to know how to generate sales while they were considering a paradigm shift in marketing strategy.

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HBC - Aqualisa Quartz:Simple Shower - consumer behavior analysis, 신제품 런칭 (9-502-030)
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