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Jerusalem of the East

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8페이지/ MS 워드
가격 2,000원 할인쿠폰받기


"A" Research Paper / Persecution of Christianity in North Korea




North Korea, for nine years in a row, has ranked first in ‘2011 World Watch List’ among the top fifty Christianity Persecution countries (Open Doors). Actually, the Western religions, such as Protestant and Catholic, were introduced into North side first. The Pyongyang Great Revival (1907-1910), which started at Jang Dae Hyun Church, was the key springboard of Korean Christianity and churches (Park, Yong Gyu). The revival had added five hundreds to the church and twenty-five hundred churches sprang up in Pyongyang North Korea (Backholer), and the present North Korean capital, was even called “Jerusalem of the East” (Clark 121-125). What is the reality of that Jerusalem, today in North Korea, while South Korea has a huge Christian population?

참고 자료

Backholer, Mathew. Revival Fire: 150 Years of Revival. ByFaith Media, 2010. Print.
Christian Mission for North Korea. N.p. n.d. Web. 20 April. 2011
Clark, Donald N. Living Dangerously in Korea: The Western Experience, 1900-1950 (The Missionary Enterprise in Asia). Norwalk: Eastbridge, 2003. Print.
Cornerstone: From Pyongyang to Jerusalem. Cornerstone. n.d. Web. 16 April. 2011
Demick, Barbara. Nothing to Envy: Ordinary Lives in North Korea. New York: Spiegel & Grau, 2010. Print.
Guttenfelder, David. “North Korea honors ‘eternal president’ on his birthday.” AP. Associated Press, 15 April 2011. Web. 22 April 2011.
Lee, Chan Young. North Korean Christianity 100 Scenes. South Korea: Christian Council of Korea, 2001. Print.
Lee, Grace. “The Political Philosophy of Juche.” Stanford Journal of East Asian Affairs 3.1 (2003): 105-112. Print.
Lee, Su Chul, & Joshua Lim. Interview by Yong Sang Shin. “Christianity Movie(Film)Produced.” CGN Today. Seoul, South Korea, 25 Jan. 2011. Television.
Martin, Bradley K. Under the Loving Care of the Fatherly Leader: North Korea and the Kim Dynasty. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 2006. Print.
North Korean Christians.com: Atrocities against North Korean Christians. N.p. 2009. Web. 8 April. 2011.
Open Doors: Serving persecuted Christians worldwide. Open Doors, n.d. Web. 13 April. 2011.
Park, Hyo Min. A Study on the Transformation of Understanding of Christianity in North Korea based on the Kim Il Sung`s Reminiscences. Diss. South Korea: Methodist Theological University, 2008. Print (A master’s thesis)
Park, Wan Shin. North Korean Society Observed from Pyongyang. South Korea: Dapgae, 2001. Print.
Park, Yong Gyu. The Story of Pyongyang Great Revival Movement in 1907. South Korea: Lifebook, 2005. Print.
The Voice of the Martyrs. Persecution.com: A Global Perspective on the Persecution of God’s Children. The Voice of the Martyrs. N.d. Web. 22. April. 2011.
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