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The Glass Menagerie

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"A" Literary Analysis on The Glass Menagerie by Tennessee Williams




The Glass Menagerie by Tennessee Williams has four main characters: Tom Wingfield, a narrator; Laura Wingfield, his older sister; Amanda Wingfield, their mother; and Jim O’Connor, a gentleman caller. Tom is not only the main character, but also the narrator in the play who compares himself to “a stage magician” (1179). The play is developed by Tom’s own memory, so it could be nonrealistic, sentimental, and symbolic. Laura is unmarried and crippled physically and mentally. Amanda has been a single parent since her husband left the family long time ago. All members of the family live in their own worlds and dreams for the future. However, their illusions are weak and cranky, like fragile glass. Jim is the only ordinary and realistic character. Therefore, in The Glass Menagerie, each character, as a symbol, sheds light on the major theme - the conflict between reality and illusion (1179-1180).
Above all, Tom is an escapist from the reality of his life for his adventurous illusions. He likes to go to the movies at night, which his mother hates (1189; 1197).

참고 자료

Brent Barnard, Daniel. “The Symbolism of Tennessee Williams’ The Glass Menagerie: An Inductive Approach” Louisiana State University and Agricultural and Mechanical College, 2007. Print.
Shmoop Editorial Team. “The Glass Menagerie Theme of Weakness.” Shmoop.com. Shmoop University, Inc., 11 Nov. 2008. Web. 15 Jun 2011.
SparkNotes Editors. “SparkNote on The Glass Menagerie.” SparkNotes.com. SparkNotes LLC, 2003. Web. 18 Jun 2011.
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