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The Anchor of Korean Nation’s Glory, Dokdo(한민족의 영광의 닻, 독도)

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
2페이지/ 한컴오피스
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독도가 어떤 과정으로 하여 일본에게 빼앗겼는지, 그리고 해방 이후 어떻게 다시 독도를 찾게 되었는지
그리고 독도 영유권 문제가 발생한 이유를 간략하게 영어로 설명하였습니다.




The Anchor of Korean Nation’s Glory, Dokdo
"In war, truth is the first casualty." Aeschylus
The truth is that Dokdo was our territory was the first victim of Japanese imperialism. On 8 February 1904, Japan provoked the Russo-Japanese war by sinking Russian battle ships at In- Cheon and Lushun. Japanese government thought that the influence of Russia could hinder the ambition that Japan had to colonize the Korean Peninsula. Japan dispatched an army to Korea and forced the Korean government and the Royal house not to cooperate with Russia. The Japanese navy won the battle against Russia at the early phase of the war, but Japan faced strong resistance from the Russian fleet. Therefore, the department of Japanese navy decided to set surveillance network on the east coast of Korea. The department broke ground for the building of a watchtower at Dokdo on 25 July 1905 and completed the work on 19 August 1905. Furthermore, the Japanese navy laid the ocean communications network at Dokdo.

참고 자료

사료가 증명하는 독도는 한국 땅, 이상태 저, 경세원,2007.01.30
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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The Anchor of Korean Nation’s Glory, Dokdo(한민족의 영광의 닻, 독도)
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