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Finnish cuisine and food history (핀란드의 음식과 역사) (영문레포트)

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핀란드 음식, 문화, 역사에 대한 영문으로 쓴 레포트 입니다.


How Finnish food culture has been change after 1850 till today

How war time influenced for Finnish way of life

How Finnish local food culture differ from each on other

My own perspective about Finnish food culture


How Finnish food culture has been change after 1850 till today
For a long time, the diet of Finns relied primarily on cereals. Especially rye, but also barley and oats, could be cultivated in Nordic conditions. Eastern and Western parts of the country had different types of ovens, and thus the rye bread in the East was soft, whereas the loaves in the West were hard and dry. Softer rye bread eventually became more popular in the West. During famines in the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries bread was baked by replacing part of the flour with a mixture of crushed pine trees, straws and mushrooms.
Very few of the vegetables cultivated in Finland have their origins here. However, over time plants have adapted to our Nordic conditions, and as a result, native varieties exist. The first vegetables cultivated in Finland were barley, turnips, swedes and cabbage.
In addition to cereals and vegetables, milk products, fish, meat and game have belonged to the diet of Finns for centuries. Meat and fish were preserved by drying and salting. Ordinary people drank milk in the form of buttermilk. Butter, which was churned from cream, was exported to St. Petersburg, Russia. The first Swiss-style cheese dairy was opened in the 1850s.

참고 자료

● Scandinavian Europe 9th edition, Lonely planet, 2009
● Hyvaa hyvaa news 1st edition, Finnish embassy in Korea, 2007
-Media (Documentary)
● The key to success of Finland, KBS(Korean broadcasting), 2010
● World theme travel - Finland, the country of forests and lakes, EBS(Korean broadcasting), 2009
● Into the world by walk – Finland, KBS(Korean), 2009
● http://virtual.finland.fi
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