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The Explanation of the Fundamental Reason for the Retreat of Democracy in Korea

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Robert Dhal (1971), one of the most influential political scientists on the field of democracy, holds that a democracy features “the continuing responsiveness of the government to the preferences of its citizens, considered as political equals” as one of its vital characteristics.


The South Korean economist Lee Jung-jun (2002) tries to find out the answer from the market-oriented society. Starting from the basic assumption that the social system affects the idea and behavior of individuals, he asserts that the capitalistic market system, which puts individual’s interest over the public good, rationalizes and even encourages individuals’ selfish behavior, undermining their morality and trust toward one another. He views that the destruction of families, the most fundamental form of social capital, has the most detrimental effect on the accumulation of social capital in society.

참고 자료

Dahl, R. D. (1971). Polyarchy: Participation and Opposition. New Haven: Yale University
Press, 1-9
Kim, S. (2000). The Politics of Democratization in Korea: The Role of Civil Society. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press.
Lee, J. (2002). Does the Market Really Make Us Happy. Seoul: Hangil Press. (Korean book)
Putnam, R. D. (1995). Bowling Alone: America’s Declining Social Capital. Journal of Democracy, 6, 65-78.
Schmitter, P. C. and Karl, T. L. (1991). What Democracy is…and Is Not. Journal of Democracy, 2, 75-87.
Tarrow, S. (1994). Power in Movement: Social Movements, Collective Action and Politics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
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