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What is Behind East Asia’s Rapid Recovery from the Recent US-originated Financial Crisis?

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
18페이지/ MS 워드
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1. 이 글은 동아시아 국가들이 최근 경제 위기에서 다른 지역 국가들에 비해 빠르게 회복할 수 있었던 원인을 크게 2가지의 국내적 요인과 3가지 국제적 요인으로 나누어 탐구하는 영어 소논문 입니다.
2. 이 글은 SKY 대학 중 한 곳에서 A를 받은 레포트 입니다.


1. Introduction

2. The Shortcomings of Existing Literature

3. The Mechanism of Finance and Economic Recovery

4. A Holdback on Financial Liberalization in East Asia
1) Domestic Cause 1- The Learning Effect on Policymakers
2) Domestic Cause 2- Asian Governments’ Strong Commanding Power
3) International Cause 1 – Erosion of US Hegemony and Rise of China
4) International Cause 2 – Influence of Global Finance
5) International Cause 3 – Difficulty of Monitoring Financial Situation

5. Concluding Remark

6. Bibliography


Then, what allowed these favorable conditions in the first place? Was it mere coincidence that East Asian countries had been preserving big exchange reserves and sustaining low interest rates when a devastating global financial crisis was coming? Or, are East Asian countries ‘by nature’ more resilient to a financial crisis? If that is true, what about the 1997 Asian financial crisis? Didn’t many Asian countries almost go to the verge of national bankruptcy? If so, was it the experience of a devastating crisis that determined a unique ‘Asian’ attitude towards financial market? What kind of change had occurred in the ‘Asian’ approach to international finance? And what lay at the bottom of that change? In this paper, we argue that a common holdback of financial liberalization throughout this economic region best account for the recent East Asia’s successful recovery.

참고 자료

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