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네덜란드문화 (영문)

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
36페이지/ MS 워드
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네덜란드 문화전반에 관한 35페이지 분량의 영문 자료입니다.
네덜란드 정치, 역사, 음악, 미술 등 다방면에 걸쳐서 2010년 네덜란드 NHL 교환학생으로 있으면서 수강했던
Dutch Culture and Busieness 강의에서 배웠던 내용을 토대로 작성했습니다.
한 학기동안 심도있게 작성한 자료라 양질입니다.


Table of contents

My Introduction 5
Chapter1. Culture and Culture Shock 6
Chapter2. Introduction
2.1General information about the Netherlands 8
2.2Local culture: Frisian culture 9
2.3Frugality of Dutch people 10
Chapter3. Daily life in the Netherlands
3.1Flat landscape and climate 11
3.2Visits 12
3.3Greeting custom 12
3.4Flat birthday celebration 12
3.5Festivities 13
3.6Learning Dutch 13
3.7Marriage 13
3.8Birth and Death 13
3.9Shopping 14
3.10Recycling 14
3.11Gardening 14
3.12I want this culture back to my country 14
3.13Breaking Boundaries 15

Chapter4. History
4.1Fight against the water 15
4.2Dutch trade during the Golden age/VOC 17
Chapter5. Music and (visual) Art
5.1Painter Johannes Vermeer 19
5.2Vermeer’s art style 19
5.3Cultural aspect of Vermeer’s art 20
5.4Personal opinion about Vermeer 20
5.5My visit to Vermeer 20
Chapter6. Doing business in the Netherlands
6.1Find a job in the Netherlands? 20
6.2What is “egalitarianism” and “compromise”? 21
6.3Things you have to know when you do business in the Netherlands 22
6.4Setting up your own company in the Netherlands 22
6.5Excursion to Philips 22
Chapter7. Child care, Education, and Health
7.1Day care for children in the Netherlands 23
7.2Festives and parties for children 23
7.3Current legal issues about child care 24
7.4Dutch education system 25
7.5Typical cultural aspects in the Dutch education 26
7.6Family doctor? 26
7.7Welfare in the Netherlands(summary of the guest lecture) 26

Chapter8. Political and Social systems
8.1Dutch political system “poldermodel” 27
8.2What are the water boards? 27
8.3What is Xenophobia?
What do Mr Wilders and Mrs Verdonk have to do with it? 27
8.4The origin of Dutch Royal family and current Royal family 28
8.5The responsibilities of the Frisian Provincial government 29
8.6Own experience about the political game(excursion to Province Hall) 29
8.7What is the Dutch “pillar system” and “Living apart together”? 29
8.8In 60’s de-pillarization?Why? 29
8.9Multicultural Dutch society 29
8.10Influence of Calvinism to Dutch people and culture 30
Chaper9. Dutch culture visits
9.1Cultural events and attractions 30
9.2My own experience of Queen’s Day on 30th April 2010 31
Final conclusions
10.1What is Dutch culture? Summary of each chapter 32
10.2My expectation about the Dutch culture was met? 33
10.3Korea Vs Netherlands differences and similarities 34
Reference List 35


Chapter 2 Introduction
2.1 General information about the Netherlands
To more deep into Netherlands, it’s always good to start with basic steps, like general. There are about geography, climate, people, mentality, religion and languages in the Netherlands. Unlike, most European countries, Netherlands has unique environment.
We can say that most land is flat so it is easy to ride bicycles here. There are some mountains southern parts, but except that, there is no mountain here. Long times ago some northern parts of the Netherlands were sea and most lands were very wet. For many centuries, Dutch have strived to fight with water.

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