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common grammatical mistakes

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Comma Splice

Dangling Participles

Ending a Sentence with a Preposition


I vs. Me

Pronoun Agreement

Split Infinitives


Redundancy means repetition. Hee hee! But seriously folks... beware of saying the same thing more than once. In some cases, it can be useful: for example, to emphasize your point ("That chocolate was good. I mean really, really good.") or for dramatic rhetorical effect. However, there are some instances where redundancy is just plain wrong.
And etc.
Etc. is short for the Latin et cetera which means literally "and so forth." Therefore, when you say "and etc." you`re really saying "and and so forth." This is clearly redundant. Just say "etc" (or preferably "et cetera"). (It may help you to remember that "etc" was once abbreviated &c.)
ATM Machine
The letters ATM stand for "Automated Teller Machine." Therefore, when you say "ATM Machine" you`re really saying "Automated Teller Machine Machine." This is obviously redundant. Just say "I`m going to the ATM."
PIN Number
PIN stands for Personal Identification Number. Therefore you`re saying "Personal Identification Number Number." Again, redundant. Just say "I need my PIN."
HIV Virus
Human Immunodeficiency Virus. Are you sensing a trend?
SAT Test
Scholastic Achievement Test. You get the picture.

참고 자료

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