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Final research damn

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(영문)식품첨가물에 관한 research paper




The Truth behind Food
When you purchase some food, have you looked into the ingredient of the food? As we all know, the additives which is mostly chemical would be added into almost every food made by factory (Ross 12). It means that when we eat the food, we swallow the additives as well. Then, is the additives that we are eating everyday alright for our health? I would like to present you representative food additives which are totally harmful yet, still using, and how harmful these are as well.

First on the list is Sodium Nitrate. Sodium nitrite is a food additive used as a preservative. It is using for extending the life of meats, and preventing the growth of bacteria (Maga 138). Then, what is the problem? Actually, Sodium nitrite is toxic because it causes cancer. Although you may be consuming less fat by eating turkey products instead of red meat, you are not necessarily reducing your cancer risk. In fact, cancer risk is not simply because of the higher saturated fat content, but because of the sodium nitrite content (Maga 145).

참고 자료

Vetter, James L. Adding nutrients to foods: Where do we go from here? America Association
of Cereal Chemists P: US, 1982. Print.
Ross, Grace. 1001 Chemicals in everyday products 2nd ed. NetLibrary P: New York, 1999.
Furia, Thomas E. Handbook of food additives 2nd ed. Chemical Rubber Company P: US,
1980. Print.
Maga, Joseph A., and Anthony T. Tu. Food additive toxicology M. Dekker: New York, 1995.
Penn, Lancaster Food additives: U.S. products, applications, markets Technomic P: US, 1995.
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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