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카이스트 경영학개론 프로젝트 닌텐도 분석 Intro and CSR

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카이스트 경영학개론 강의에서 닌텐도 기업분석한 내용입니다. 참고로 모두 영어로 되어있습니다.









Nowadays, video games have become an inseparable part of life. People of all ages enjoy playing games, and this audience is only continuing to expand. With the introduction of portable gaming systems, you can now see people playing games everywhere you go. From buses and subways to restaurants and even schools, people are literally playing video games everywhere. So we need to ask ourselves, who is responsible for this phenomenon?

While there is no simple answer to this question, the Japanese company Nintendo is surely as good an answer as any. They are, after all, one of the early pioneers of the video game industry as a whole. Without Nintendo, video games as we know them today may not even exist. It was Nintendo’s Super Mario Bros. that changed games from simple arcade games to the complex games that we see today. In fact, the main character of that game, Mario, is now the most widely recognized video game character in the world.

So exactly what kind of company is this Nintendo? In short, Nintendo is a multinational company that is one of the lead players in the video game industry. They are responsible for developing both hardware and software for video games, and this includes portable handheld game systems in addition to video game consoles. Their latest gaming systems include the Nintendo Wii and the Nintendo DSi. Although Nintendo is most famous for its iconic character Mario, they are also known for producing other smash hit titles such as The Legend of Zelda, Metroid, Donkey Kong, and Pokémon.

참고 자료

<Context References>
Nintendo Co., Ltd. 2010. Nintendo.com, http://www.nintendo.com/
“The History of Nintendo”, Nintendoland, http://nintendoland.com/history/index.htm
“The Evolution of Nintendo Portables”. IGN.com. http://ds.ign.com/articles/956/956642p1.html
“IGN Presents The History of Super Mario Bros.”. IGN.com. 11/8/2007,
Miyamoto, Shigeru. GDC 2007 Keynote Speech. San Francisco. 2007
Melanson, Donald. “Wii becomes fastest selling console in the United States”. Engadget. 6/12/2009, http://www.engadget.com/2009/06/12/nintendo-wii-sets-record-as-fastest-selling-console-in-the-us/
Nintendo Co., Ltd. CSR Report 2009. http://www.nintendo.co.jp
“Nintendo 64”, The Video Game Console Library, 1/18/2010,
서남표, “혁신의 全과정을 지원하라”, 동아일보, 1/17/2009,
Image References
Spiegel, Scott J., “Nintendo announces North American Super Smash Bros. Braw
판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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