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최초 등록일
최종 저작일
2페이지/ MS 워드
가격 1,000원 할인쿠폰받기


marketing case


1. Was Nintendo just lucky, or does the Wii’s success have strategic merit?
2. Has Nintendo put the “fad” question to rest?
3. In which stage of the product life cycle is the Wii? Based on that stage, is Nintendo employing good marketing mix strategies?
4. Develop a strategy for the Wii’s next product life cycle phase.
5. Discuss the potential threats to Nintendo’s future success. What will help Nintendo avoid a premature decline for the Wii?


1. Was Nintendo just lucky, or does the Wii’s success have strategic merit?
Their success with the Wii really comes from two sources. First, they have gained great market share with previously untouched groups (elderly, small children, and families). Second, because they have got rid of many of the additional costs and features of the more advanced game systems, they have been able to better compete based on price. Even while they were struggling, Nintendo had still a strong brand within the gaming industry. They are the industry starters who created the big ticket names like Donkey Kong, Zelda, and Mario, but as their systems became more advanced they would become victims of their own success. As they advanced their products more technologically greater competitors such as Sony and Microsoft were able to enter the market with advanced equipment and games. The more advanced competitors are entering this new market using similar technologies to compete in the interactive gaming market. Their technological superiority paired with the motion sensor technology is sure to make a significant dent in the Wii’s market share. The one major advantage that has great strategic merit is the low cost. With the current global economic state low cost alternatives have become crucial and the Wii fits the bill.

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판매자 유형Bronze개인


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