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[영문 에세이] How to be successful.

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2페이지/ MS 워드
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영어 에세이 쓰기 시간에 지은 5문단짜리 에세이입니다.

주제는 '성공을 위한 세가지 요소'입니다.




“Who wants to be a millionaire?” This is the title of popular American TV quiz show. The contestants of this show try to solve quizzes in order to get huge amount of money. If you are to make lots of money successfully in a short time, this show must be the easiest way for that. However, since money is not the whole things of success, people invest their time and effort for their dreams. Right decision of what you really want, developing positive attitude, and treating people valuable are the essential virtues for being successful no matter which field you are working in. Making right and early decisions of what you really want to do will bring you an early success. If you take a close look to the people who are successful in their carrier, al though not all cases, you may find a common point from their success. “They started earlier.” This does not mean that they get up earlier in the morning, or just get into the working field in their early age, either. If someone realizes earlier and exactly what he(she) really wants to do, he(she) is given much more time for preparing and developing his(her) ability which will be required when he(she) works. In short, the more time you prepare for your future, the more chances of success you will be given.

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[영문 에세이] How to be successful.
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2024년 07월 18일 목요일
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